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El Luchador

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Everything posted by El Luchador

  1. You have been spoon fed, you clearly don't think for yourself. You clearly can't bring yourself to any other theories because in your mind it would strengthen the argument for the creationists. The only one bringing up a 6000 year old Earth are the ones who claim a monopoly on scientific knowledge. As you sit and maintain your position in the face of all it's flaws you only show your bias. The assumption used in all your scientific theories are clearly losing their validation. Particle physics is challenging all the foundations of the theories you cling to but that's better than having nothing, after all the stupid Christians need to be kept at bay, and that's more important.
  2. The kid who made the team just out of high school looked very promising in the few college matches he had. Unfortunately the brutal style of greco left him a bit to damaged. Travis Rutt was a good example. He was a solid collegiate wrestler with a greco focus, but again the style took a toll on him. Ryan Mango wasn't exactly a poor college wrestler. I could go on but why.
  3. Or the science is lacking, what ever your bias allow to think.
  4. Do you think China has been buying farm land to meet chick's on farmers only?
  5. As a matter of fact that's when it all started. Mystery solved.
  6. I'm beginning to think my adds target my thoughts. I was out snowblower and sheared a pin on my PTO. I have never searched any thing about PTO shafts but wouldn't you know it I had an add for PTO shafts. Maybe my phone was listening to me swearing up and down and drew a logical conclusion.
  7. A very long video but a topic this complex needs long form discussion.
  8. And I'm simply not willing to accept the assumptions used in the methods of calculating this are strong enough to make this claim of 4.5 billion years. I think students should be made aware that these assumptions usually represented as being highly likely are in fact not as solid of a foundation as they represent. Students of science first need to be taught how to view science. That is with skepticism.
  9. I'm talking from the technical side not intelligence. Intelligence literally would have nothing to do with the ability to safely take down a balloon.
  10. Some what. I have some certification and licenses, and experiences that I'm pulling from.
  11. I actually disagree. It could have been easily taken down safely. But no matter what was done someone would have bitched.
  12. Well I'll be dammed, Joe wanted to shoot the thing down and was told by the pentagon not to. Also turns out the balloon had communications spying equipment. https://youtu.be/yxI5Edke18o
  13. It is just complete foolishness to even suggest his border policies weren't better than the current situation which is nothing less than a humanitarian crisis. My God only an idiot could be blind enough to try and make that argument. You'd look more legitimate arguing the sky is pink, at least it would be reasonable to a blind man.
  14. The fact of the time are the facts. If you can't see the effects of his policies then you are wearing blinders. If you are from DC then it fully explains your bias. He put America 1st and he secured the border. You can debate weather or not that was a good thing but notthat it wasn't at least a partial accomplishment. I seriously doubt anyone would argue the current border situation is positive without being a partisan hack.
  15. A really old brain fried hippie with above average musical talent. He has is known for his IRS troubles.
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