I should clarify, It didn't happen with Trumps knowledge.
Devils in the details. Were they violations? People I imagine would protest certain posts. That's how they monitor things. One thing I do know for sure is Twitter had an improper relationship with the Democrats and routinely misscharacterized content to make it fit their agenda. Hunters laptop is just one example.
I saw a report that this didn't happen. The director of Norad says it was not true that this happened during the Trump administration. Other officials concurred. Thus appears to be another Binden lie. Fake news again.
Probably because Milley fed him some line of BS. The same Milley who openly undermined the his boss with the Chinese.
Anyone who would imply Trump was easier on China than Beijing Biden has a screw lose.
Civics is no longer taught. Many people have no idea how the government works, or what their rights are. Thay don't understand the limitations of government, and they don't understand how we got our government.
Wow what a train wreck. Didn't even know it happened, but watching coverage is hilarious. Watching Hollywood giving themselves awards is downright stupid.
If you're trying to use the political decision made by the corrupt as evidence of anything, you're a fool. Mueller concluded his investigation and never heard of Fusion GPS. Hillary destroyed evidence and the corrupt Obama administration illegally spied on Trump. Malicious prosecution and turning a blind eye to blatant corruption. That's who you're relying on for credence?