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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Agreed...and I am sure I have contributed to it. Hard not responding some of UB's take on things.
  2. Did you create an account just to be an antisemite??
  3. So who cares what Hamas did/does....and attack the people that were ATTACKED!! Another antisemite!
  4. Sometimes these arguments become so tiresome when people bog them down with ASSumptions and semantics. I have not read on here that anyone said, including me, there shouldn't have been and shouldn't be amendments to the constitution. What I hear people say is that the basis of it and the intent of it should be the first priority and changed, following the prescribed process to do so, instead of just throwing it out the window because of some political ideology and people thinking "it doesn't fit any longer". It does fit in its intent and shouldn't be changed without extreme vetting and interrogation.
  5. What book did you read again that makes you think you know more than everyone else??
  6. People...including me...have told you over and over why stacking the SCOTUS is stupid and un-needed. And don't change what I said or claim I said something I didn't...I never said that the constitution was infallible? It is an amazing document that has been amended for things that were really horrible things and deemed no longer acceptable in our society. Because you don't like the political lean of the current SCOTUS you want to change everything. But if it was leaning the other way I bet you would be arguing why it shouldn't ever change.
  7. It's been amended moron!!! Tell us again how smart you are....
  8. You are a moron...what a freaking stupid question...
  9. It's the freaking basis and what grounds us a country...holy crap! You hate that murder is illegal because it says so in the bible?? SMH....
  10. Instant zero credibility when an internet key board warrior says something like this...LOL Next you will list your degree's, your work history, how smart you are without anyone being able to confirm or deny it...what a freaking weak argument...but not totally unexpected from you. Go read a book and then come back and tell us how you are instantly now an expert...LOL
  11. No mention of the D's doing the same thing and playing the same game on this very issue due to TDS a few years ago?? Didn't think so... On issues like this I think it is stupid to lump other things in the bill...I understand the need to do it to have somewhat collaboration, but this just seems crazy to have funding for wars built into the bill...but that is a whole other topic. Still waiting to hear if anyone knows what happens to the 5000+ people that are allowed in...are they vetted? Just let them in? Also, what is the additional $$$ for more agents going to be used for? Patrol? Vetting the 5000+? Other? All of the above?
  12. So what YOU believe in should be imposed on others...got it! When you start your argument with a statement completely contradicting yourself...and then a statement that is completely wrong and weasel worded you lose all credibility..."essentially banning abortion completely"...before I ask you to tell me what states have done so I guess I should ask what your definition of "essentially" is. And because you think majority of people in NY and LA lean one way it is the "majority" of how every single state feels you again lose any sort of credibility. The SCOTUS decision didn't ban a thing...they gave states the power to decide on the issue....which constitutionally is the right decision. I too don't care what AJ's personal believes are, and I too don't want someone to push them on me PERSONALLY...but decisions/policies to me are based on personal opinion/data/logic...couldn't care less if the politicians who made those decisions/policies go to church or not.
  13. So again, what is the problem?? How is your life adversely effected? Because YOU feel there is a political majority?? You are right the idea is that the court should be an independent branch meant to regulate the CONSITUTION and when a courts decision goes against what you personally believe it does not mean the decision made was done for political reasons. And why do you want to delegitimize it?? That is an asinine way to think of it no matter what your political lean is. Would you feel this way if the majority was "left" right now? I think we all know the answer. To me if it was...again, would it effect me personally...nope! As for it not reflecting voter will...what, you want to have the Supreme Court changed every election period?? Seriously?? SMH Still waiting to hear what problem the current system is and how changing the number is a solution to any sort of root cause other then someone's political believe. If you can argue the LEGALITY of any of the Supreme Court decisions and how they are completely wrong....LEGALLY...go for it...we all will wait!
  14. Agreed Rasta!!!
  15. Here is my take on this issue, the first question I would ask before expanding the Supreme Court is what problem is it trying to solve by doing so? If there is good reason and expanding the court is the solution to the root cause of the problem than I would be for it. If it is for political reason's...absolutely not! And as an "average" American, nothing in my life is effected, adversely, by the current number of justices.
  16. I have not read the bill. My question based on what you posted (not necessarily directed at you but anyone) is what is happening to the 5,000 or more aliens? Are they just let in? Or is the additional money used to hire people to help process and vet them to see if we should or shouldn't let them in?
  17. So sad when I heard this morning!! RIP!
  18. Soo....what the people living on the boarder and the boarder control agents have to say means nothing, huh? The boarder is a freaking mess!! Still have yet to hear how specifically the laws are so complicated that we can't keep people from overwhelming the boarder...I don't buy it just because one person says so...sorry Vak. This is more than rhetoric...we could secure our boarders if we/congress/president truly wanted to. Politics, and not "complicated laws" is the reason the boarder is a mess. If it was shut down, a portion of our population (those like TPT and BB) would lose their freaking minds and that is what politicians are afraid of. Add on top of that the stupid grandstanding of R's vs. D's. How a secure boarder is this not a priority for some people and think it's better to just let people in versus shut it down until we come up with a better solution is beyond me. The whole crap of the current boarder situation is best summed up by the illegal who attacked a cop and gets let out of jail right away and flips off the camera...
  19. So the laws are so complex that we do nothing?? How is that the answer?? The whole "it's so complicated" crap is a copout and nothing but a political ploy. To me if "smart" people can't figure out what the laws say and how to enforce them then we shut the board down until we figure it out. Again, how is that complicated??
  20. I absolutely love KOT, Carr, MM and Star...but based on the eye test, Star is on his own level...IMHO
  21. I was joking with you WNK. I max out my 401k every year and have a pension so personally haven't dabbled in the stock market myself or with a financial advisor. I have invested in land to help augment my retirement and if all goes well and the economy continues to improve I should be able to retire when I am 60 and have the same take home pay I have now.
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