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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. I looked up the top insurers (homeowners) in FL for 2024 and through the first quarter of the year (Residential Market Share Reports), as expected, they are obscure/smaller insurance companies (there was one of the biggies, state farm, but I believe they brokerage FL policies). This may explain what you presented above (I am taking your word for it in terms of the numbers you are reporting here)...most if not all of the smaller/obscure insurers sub out their claims process and those adjusters don't have any vested interest in the company or the insured; thus, more often than not aren't doing a quality job adjusting the claims. The company I work for did a project looking at our contingent claims adjuster spend versus their claim's accuracy (my employee led the effort) and we drastically reduced the amount of contingent adjusters due to their inability to meet SLA's and their claim accuracy (both overpaying and underpaying) and we saved millions of dollars by doing so and were able to revamp our claims process to account for the additional claims all the while drastically increasing claims accuracy and reducing litigated and/or challenged claims. I am done with the back and forth...I know I won't change your mind no matter how much I explain how the real world of insurance works, you have your anecdotal "experiences" and are going to stick with that. Sorry for boring everyone with my back and forth and technical insurance claims "stuff". Bottom line is NO ONE deserves to be gunned down for working for an insurance companies and Insurance companies CAN NOT base their claims practices and policies on their corporate financial goals.
  2. When did I say it was my personal experience?? I am telling you the experience of being in the industry...and having worked at revamping a fortune 300 insurance companies claims processes and operating model for 7 years I have a pretty good idea of what does and doesn't happen in the industry. And if the information you claim is easy to access, please do share as it is not required to document and share this information from regulatory standpoint. I can tell you that no one that I worked with in claims (those who have 30+ years in the industry) have ever had to deal with a public claims adjuster...again it may have happened, but it had to have been a one-off situation that was not a big deal because no one ever remembered dealing with it.
  3. Which insurance companies (specifically) do PCA's get hired to go after the most? Answer you will never be able to find out this information. Thus, your statement about insurance companies regularly short changing customers is just that...a statement. If your opinion is based on because there are PCA's in the first place than have at it because it isn't based in reality. My opinion and experience is that they exist to work on the fringes of one-off scenarios, and not to address an overall systemic issue of the big bad insurance companies screwing over their customers.
  4. Well...if you are talking about subrogation of claims that is one thing; however, hiring an independent adjuster to look at your claim with no subrogation than that is another thing. Most of the "public adjusters" are looking at subrogation of claims when the company who they have a policy through doesn't offer subrogation (think cheap insurance providers). Subrogation is for going after OTHER insurance companies for money paid out for claims that their client was not responsible for...ex. you get into a car accident and the other driver has a different insurance company, your insurance will pay all applicable fees (repair, rental, medical - if needed), etc.) then based on an investigation, a percent at fault is determined and if the other driver is at fault for the majority of the accident then your insurance subrogation division will "go after" the other insurance company to recoup the money already paid out on the claim based on the percentage the other company is responsible for. In addition, to your scenario above, are you wondering how a "public adjuster" is making their money or how an insurance company somehow ties their business profit goals to claims...I am confused. Or is it some of you just want to make insurance companies that "bad guy" in every scenario?? At least be honest. As my opinion of insurance companies...I work for a very good insurance company that does the right thing...for the most part. However, do I understand the overall business model of insurance companies and to the general public I could see why they dislike them; however, as someone pointed out, let's see what your opinion is when you actually need one. I'll say it again, Insurance companies make their money via investments...a lot run in the negative in terms of premium received versus amount of claims paid out...example, most companies run at 1.05 ratio which means for every $1.00 they bring in from premium they pay out $1.05 in claims.
  5. Isn't it amazing that he is arguing about this...claiming how he claims he would act is exactly how every single person in the world should react...even while admitting to never being in their situation...what a joke!
  6. LOL...who said they are controlled 100% by the regulators?? If you truly know about how it all works you would know that policies are reviewed and need to be approved by state regulators before they can be sold in that state. Not to mention you are totally changing the argument now, as you mention nothing about the claims you and other have made saying that insurance companies' policies and goals center around denying claims...which is unequivocally FALSE! As far as YOU claiming my credibility is shot because I work in insurance, that is laughable...so you telling people what it's like to be a cop holds more credibility than an actual cop?? That is some bass ackward thinking right there. By the way, I could give to snits how successful UnitedHealth care is or was, I am just calling out people who are in fact ignorant and post like they know things that they clearly don't and yet call my ignorant and naive...LOL
  7. LOL...hate to burst your bubbles but I actually work in the insurance industry and know exactly how it all works. There are very specific regulations around tying your business goals to your claims practices other than those centered around customer service. Regulators look for this all the time! They focus on claims practices and if you in anyway have company policies around denying claims or company policies that are other than pay claims with as close to 100% accuracy, no more no less, they will fine you and even shut you down if it is too egregious. I'd estimate that about 95% of claims that are denied are due to policy language contained in the insurance policy a person purchased. More than likely the person didn't know exactly what was and wasn't covered when they purchased their policy and then throw a fit when a claim is denied because it is for something that wasn't covered in their policy. Why is that the insurance companies' fault?? What's naive and ignorant is people claiming they know how certain companies work when clearly they don't and then try and tell someone who does know how it works they are wrong...LOL You all have NO idea how this company operates, you have NO clue what their business goals are, and definitely have NO idea what is contained in each individual policy people have purchased.
  8. Maybe you missed the part where I give two snits about what you do or don't care to revisit...if I and others want to talk about it we will...
  9. Not true at all...the company would be shut down by their states department of insurance if that is how they made their claims decisions. Claims decisions CAN NOT be tied directly to company goals or even their policy decisions.
  10. As usual your takes are completely asinine. What is your obsession with turning this into a political thing versus just focusing on the fact that the killer is a whackjob who shot a man in his back like a coward.
  11. Love the people that know EXACTLY what happened and EXACTLY how they would act, and even better, they know how others should act. We need more people like Penny who will stand up against the crazy whackjobs who threaten the lives of other people. People who are against doing so are the pathetic ones and suck as human beings.
  12. Absolutely terrible take and such an ignorant thing to say
  13. YouTube is not a news source
  14. Agreed. But saying "It doesn't upset me he died because of his claims denials...blah blah blah" has nothing to do with trying to figure out what happened and why some psycho decided to take a life.
  15. It's sickening that people celebrate it and rationalize the death of a human being.
  16. The Covid "pandemic" was a scary time in our country...but not because of the virus, but rather how incredibly gullible and weak minded a lot of people showed during that time by letting the media and politicians control and scare them to the point that we nearly crippled our own economy and caused irreparable damage to our kids. People began throwing science out the window for useless mandates in order to control a narrative. It still has rippling effects today in terms of peoples mental state and their hysteria. And the saddest part of all is we had controlled studies happening across the US (states with draconian mask mandates and lock downs and states with nothing) that people literally just ignored because they showed the masking and lock downs didn't do a damn thing in terms of the virus. I'll never forget one of my best friends from HS is a teacher in Utah...he said they had to wear masks for two weeks (which he agreed did absolutely nothing because kids didn't wear them right anyway), that's it. No lock downs, no restrictions and they never once had any massive outbreaks of Covid go through the school...hmmmm?
  17. Again showing how young and immature you are...you have no clue how braces and orthodontists visits work...it was not a point in time. Masks did NOTHING!! Keep on with your craziness and immaturity. If you believe science show any evidence that me, my son, or anyone at the orthodontists office should be wearing a mask....we all are under the age of 60...I'll wait...
  18. It totally cracks me up that people seem to justify the killing of someone based off of stories you have made up in your head about denied claims by the health insurance company (by the way the CEO does not make claims decisions)...seriously, you have no idea why, or if health care claims are or were being denied...claiming it was because of profit for the company is weak, ignorant and asinine. Every claim is different and not a single one of you know what the policy language is for any instance you speak of so please stop with the victim bashing and the ignorant uninformed statements.
  19. My son's orthodontist wasn't a fan either...loved that guy...didn't have to wear one when I took my son in...hmmm...no one got sick in his office and I didn't get sick...how can that be???
  20. Man is UB a whackadoodle!! Hmmm...let's see...would I wanted to get treated for a serious injury/disease in the US or somewhere oversees...let me thi...the freaking US all the way, not even close! Love how people hate on the US and the various systems we have in place yet everyone wants to come here and the people that complain don't leave....hmmm??
  21. It's amazing you already know what is going to happen....
  22. Please tell me you are not one of those naive folks that believes EVERRYTHING every politician says (on both sides) versus understanding the emotional impact they are trying to achieve by exaggerating their claims of what they are going to do??? I truly believe Trump and his administration are going to do "something" about the boarder and illegals, but I do not believe there will be "mass deportations" of illegals who are here, or have been here, and are causing no harm to the US and it's citizens.
  23. Who here honestly thinks that there is going to be "mass deportations" on day 1?? Who thinks this is even remotely possible logistically? I am pretty sure the new boarder czar said they will be targeting those who have criminal pasts and/or committed crimes while here. In my opinion, this will take most of the 4 years Trump is in office anyway. Especially considering you have idiot mayors and governors who openly admitted to not helping in anyway.
  24. By the way...I see you had no interest in taking my bet...hmmmm???
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