People do vote for who they want in office, or at least, who they think they want in office. Term limits would have a very superficial impact on our government, new guys acting hastily are going to be just as easy to corrupt.
George Soros has found a fairly successful method of influencing our society. The politicization of law enforcement in this country is the danger most likely to lead to our downfall.
If laws only apply to some people then taxes will too. And responsibility for doing the work. Eventually, as many as can, find a slot in the preferred bunch and there’s no one, or not enough, left to treat the water, generate the power, or drive the trucks and tractors. No one to defend the country. It’s history. It’s human nature.
And there are those who would place their posterity in that predicament by sloughing off their vote based on such shallow reasons as melanin, genitalia, or the incredible evil of killing the unborn.