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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. The economy kept up with QE since 2008, and was growing again right up to the day biden took office. When he shut down the pipeline, drilling, fracing, and permitting, the economy couldn’t keep up anymore. If you notice, biden eased up on oil production restrictions recently ,and amazingly, inflation started backing down. For now, this world runs on oil. Donald Trump wasn’t entirely blameless, he resisted the shutdown from the start but caught hell and gave in. He did stay true enough to leave it to the states to decide. That’s why New York, California, and Michigan, were so different than Florida, Georgia, and Texas. As I recall, virtually every country in the world shut down, except Sweden. The reports coming out now of all the fraud that was perpetrated on the people over the ‘pandemic’ are blood curdling. It will be told in history books but I doubt there’ll be any accountability.
  2. Kentucky’s oil, what there was of it, was low grade; Mississippi’s oil is predominantly offshore, but i just don’t remember the Kentucky and Mississippi gold rush. Neither have the climate California has.
  3. I had to look it up. It seems you are far more familiar with it than I am. Do you have any comments on subject?
  4. Old news. Real old news. https://www.vox.com/2019/11/5/20949839/jeffrey-epstein-abc-news-leaked-tape-project-veritas
  5. A little bit about what’s going on over there:
  6. Bob, ol’ buddy, I pointed out that the meaning had been changed and still used it, not hiding anywhere. Whatsa matter with you?
  7. It being pure Marxism, it’s influence is most prevalent in academia, most destructive in law schools. Politicians get tangled in when they stray from directing a society that is right, to amending one to be, in the end, equitable. Equitable, meaning the modern, woke definition of: no matter where one starts, or the amount of risk or effort, everyone finishes at about the same place.
  8. We have enemies foreign and domestic. Those who would open our border to invasion are enemies of the American people. Those who would criminalize concerned parents who attend school board meetings, or try to mitigate their children’s sexual insecurities without interference imposed on them, while supporting the groomers, are enemies of the American people. Those who would use their legal authority to censor the free speech of their political opponents, or truth concerning science, are enemies of the American people. Those who would imprison their political opponents to prevent their candidacy are enemies of the American people. Those who would conspire to cheat the voting process are enemies of the American people.
  9. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5005055/user-clip-biolabs-confirmed-ukraine
  10. Why did the U.S. have bio-labs in Ukraine?
  11. When this first came out this was proven an inaccurate statement: blue states pay more and get less back from federal taxes. The reason, as Bigbrog pointed out, is that each state is different. California wages are higher than Mississippi, and even though Mississippi is a red state, it does have democrats there. Another example was that some states have military bases that a lot of federal dollars go to. Some states will get federal dollars for construction projects but the bid goes to out of state contractor and suppliers Federal dollars are spent on so many different things, in so many different states that change or move around from day to day, that it would be different by the time you calculated what they all are. The problem is, the amount of dollars they waste, and they continue to spend more than they have.
  12. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be death that you mourn. For what it’s worth, meh.
  13. No problem, as long as you acknowledge that nothing I said in any way denigrated her, and that while you’re mourning you were smoking brisket in a celebratory mood yesterday and posting flippant nonsense this morning, giving no one any hint. Anyway, call a cab.
  14. Maybe have your wife drive, you’re in no condition.
  15. There’s a wise guy. Bernie’s not listening to members of the scientific community as much as he is the intelligence community.
  16. Future looks fine for Making America Great Again. Republicans in general, but educated especially, resist answering pollsters. That’s why only a very few pollsters pre-election predictions are accurate.
  17. Exactly what? Had zero income? Or owed zero tax?
  18. For your edification rasta: https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/08/gen-kellogg-trump-did-request-natl-guard-troops-on-jan-6th-asks-congress-to-release-his-testimony/
  19. Using words like “all” and “never” is displaying your reluctance and mendacity.
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