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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. man I completely forgot about Sammy Alvarez. Would like to see him wrestle tonight
  2. Looked like they were still in bounds to me. What was John saying? Don't worry about that BS and go wrestle? Something like that I bet lol
  3. Spratley up 6-2 on Camacho looking to hand him his 4th straight loss after being ranked number 1
  4. American vs Michigan State will be starting off at 133 so we can finish with Jack Maida vs Tristan Lujan. Maida is confirmed as being back!
  5. Yes I have also done this. He is willfully lying
  6. Who is Benjamin Hyles? Is he another pedophile photographer that we haven't yet heard of that is here trying to defend his pedophile friends?
  7. don't even worry about that. He's entirely full of shit. The many paragraphs are there as form of obfuscation and a sign of him panicking. but he can't thrive in obfuscation any longer. we know who he is and what he's about. it's game over.
  8. sounds like a good one. I had picked DeVos as my personal prediction. He's shown great progress this year
  9. He seems to have polished up his all around wrestling a bit though - less of a pure one trick pony, but still overly reliant on the big move
  10. now that you mention it, I'm surprised that doesn't happen more often. hopefully he can bounce back
  11. @BobDole, on the basis of having probable cause to endanger children, I recommend that you identify the IP address of this poster (commonsense2400) and send it to the FBI. If you don't have the time to handle it, I would be willing to do so on your behalf.
  12. he posted "scared money don't make money" so I guess it just depends on whether he is feeling more scared or greedy at the time
  13. Yeah I should be clear I'm not complaining. In this case, we are lucky it is available to watch at all and 9.99 is not so bad at all. By the time you tip the bartender, that's basically a beer out these days.
  14. It's on a service called MidCo Sports plus. Jason Bryant and Gus have confirmed that it is in fact a legit site. you would just need to pay 9.99 for a month subscription.
  15. Oh I see what you mean. I think the right thing to do is yes - coach them as you normally would. However. Don't "Root" for them in the traditional sense, especially not with enthusiasm. Make sure to appear as an instructor only. I've seen it get nasty between guys on my team when that doesn't happen and their favorite coach is cheering basically against another one of his wrestlers.
  16. Haas is strong, but less than half the wrestler Hidlay is. Maybe he can keep it to a major. Any chance of a Jersey Robb sighting?
  17. Wonder if DeAugustino and or Cannon are healthy
  18. unfortunately the answer is most likely no - Pac 12 Live will be showing it. depends on what kind of cable you have
  19. Also referees are human beings and sometimes might need to have something very politely pointed out by a coach - in defense of their wrestler
  20. Yes I would if they are available. I've wrestled without a coach at tournaments and also with my dad and a teammate as my coach when no one else was available. Something about the moral support of having guys literally in your corner seems to be a morale boost. Also if you have guys from the same school facing off, you can have the coaches ensure it doesn't get nasty
  21. maybe he can get away with it at SDSU, but to forbid Wisconsinites from drinking the precious nectar of New Glarus Brewing Company?
  22. I'm jealous - have fun!
  23. Midco Sports Plus costs 9.99 per month and other than this one dual - the subscription would only give you access to college basketball. I may sit this one out.
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