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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Oliver wins on a clutch takedown! That was fun
  2. Oliver wins the first round. Apparently this is something called Claw which has different rules
  3. @creek chub, yes they just mentioned Oliver vs Andonian is coming up next
  4. McDanel takes it over Slade, and Harley Andrew techs the backup heavyweight. Nebraska wins all bouts aside from 133
  5. tech for Allred. at 197, Mike Slade gainst Camden McDanel
  6. Pinto by tech. Allred having his way with Conor Maslanek so far at 184
  7. Wilson won 16-3. Pinto is against a backup Cracraft.
  8. Not sure - I wasnt even aware they were matching up, but I'd like to see it. The stream picked back up here after missing both 149 and 157, as well as the beginning of 165. Bubba Wilson up 12-1
  9. I guess it wasn't actually rain, but condensation just gathering on the mats. They are moving indoors for the safety of the wrestlers
  10. 125: Molton decision over Alan Koehler 133: Dom Zaccone sudden victory takedown win against Jacob Van Dee 141: Brock Hardy tech fall over Trujillo We now have a rain delay and they are moving the mats indoors.
  11. Brave removes all of the ads for me
  12. Forget where I saw it - perhaps another forum - that said Sasso may be out for a match or two - but its nothing serious
  13. https://www.espn.com/watch/player/_/id/405428af-b953-4dc2-ac58-f1d71aed9501#bucketId=1
  14. It's on UFC Fight Pass which is currently only 2.99 per month and cancellable after each month
  15. My predictions: 125: Ventresca dec Surtin 3-0 133: McGonagle dec Moore 6-0 141: Edmond dec Latona 6-3 149: Henson major Gioffre 10-3 157: Hipolito dec Conway 13-3 165: Steed dec Church 13-6 174: O'Toole dec Wolak 13-9 184: Stewart dec Hawks 16-9 197: Elam dec Smith 16-12 285: Mullen dec Nitzel 19-12
  16. I'm watching Bloomsburg vs Lock Haven on my other TV. I feel for the program and for Stutz. Bloomsburg needs an inection of talent - someway - somehow. I think it's realistic for them to improve recruiting if they have so much as a single scholarship to offer. They're located in a wrestling hotspot.
  17. It's finally gonna be Sasso time soon.
  18. His best wins were Ryder Downey, Peyten Kellar, and Trevor Chumbley
  19. They seem very well prepared, but perhaps not wrestlers themselves seeing how they have said things like "player" instead of "wrestler". but I agree they're doing a good job
  20. Former Hawkeye Bretli Reyna
  21. Powe looked strong at first - but he needs more stamina for sure
  22. 133 has been a close match. Boarman is legit
  23. I'm a mixture of nervous and excited for him
  24. I think Evan will stay at 133 with Jacob Frost or Redding at 141
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