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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. until that bullshit
  2. Hawks is wrestling a tough match
  3. A high school teammate of mine once bit a guy when he was winning by about ten and it was the last match of the dual - resulting in us losing against another local school
  4. It is a huge pet peeve of mine when guys try to keep it to a respectable lose instead of taking a chance for a victory. This article uses hockey as an example, but it can be applied to a lot of things: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Pulling-the-Goalie:-Hockey-and-Investment-Asness-Brown/75cea024e4ca60e703a18e1a019203530f0b0033
  5. Hillger is down 8-3 - just go for a headlock. what the hell are you doing just circling
  6. Burwick is getting a rematch against Norris for 9th place @jajensen09
  7. I count 13 takedowns for Kennedy going into the finals but I am easily distracted so it's hard to rely on the number
  8. That was a freaking beat down by Hamiti
  9. Hamiti has been great this year, but honestly, compared to last year, it was almost a sophomore slump, compared to expectations. This fire he is showing against Kharchla here is something he has not been sustainably doing for the rest of this season. Hope he can keep it up
  10. Hamiti has a mental block against Amine. He better get over it or hope Kennedy wins the other side
  11. Hamiti lets finish this
  12. I thought Mendez did the same against Nagao in a few situations. As well as Pinto bs Romero. It is something that frustrates me very much when one point would make a huge difference in the match
  13. he does keep it a bit too close for comfort at times - like his 141 colleague Cole Matthews
  14. I bet Hardy vs Bartlett goes overtime
  15. I'm not sure actually
  16. Bubba Wilson over Facundo? other than @jajensen09, who saw that one coming?
  17. Props to Brayton Lee - even stepping onto that mat in that state
  18. Burwick two and out - unlikely to qualify for the nationals
  19. Gomez down 6-4 to Rooks with 43 seconds left
  20. McKee by fall over Barnett!
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