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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. it seems like a very simple concept, but, average is average...
  2. the UWW rule book is written intentionally very grey so it can be translated to 200+ languages... and it does allow for some definite "interpretation" and there is no doubt there has been shenanigans in the past... but, i watch more international wrestling than domestic and i can tell you the reffing is for the most part very consistent and fair...
  3. the nut shell... a well known coach has openly violated one of the main tenets of safe sport by having a sexual relationship with one of his wrestlers... openly i will add... this well known coach has had multiple safe sport reports filed against him... a well known poster who has a daughter that is a WORLD CHAMP lost his shit on this bbs saturday night after dealing with 8 months of USAW's total refusal of any action... do we care about the athletes or not?
  4. The grenade was lobbed way before willie started worrying about about his compensation…
  5. I have to feel like is for me, yes!
  6. He used to post at themat.com yes?
  7. Just figured I would update you all that retaliatory threats have been made… and some good people have (so far) stood up… and some others continue to be typical and slimy…
  8. i am definitely smarter than the average 3 year old...
  9. you are also dealing with domestic refs... it is called with more consistency internationally...
  10. to be fair, i did not have many that night... but i also got into the stream 30 minutes early because i am smarter than the average bear...
  11. for the last several years i have only seen monitors used at every USA event... locals and nationals both... typically they travel with their own equipment... it seems awfully damn silly to be using those at final x, but, perhaps that was flo's call?
  12. i just went back and saw them... i have not seen those at a USA event in forever... it makes no sense to me...
  13. you guys arguing this in a thread created by our special little friend means he is just going to keep creating these lame ass threads... leave that to the meat head side of the bbs...
  14. 100%... i was not paying very close attention to that match during the event... the best style was playing on a tv across the room... but, a good coach would know... if a good coach can not keep it straight in a match then a good coach would damn sure have someone next to him or within sight distance that is keeping track... you would be amazed at how many coaches who are former/current olympians who simply refuse to educate themselves on the rules...
  15. who has criteria is listed on the matside scoreboard...
  16. someone tell MSU158 that anyone that has a USAW card has to go through the safesport... USAW can pull a members card...
  17. this happens more than most realize... high level coaches who do not know the rules is 100% unforgiveable...
  18. people still wonder how the DuPont situation ever happened and want to believe it could not ever happen again...
  19. i am not going to sign up for hawkeye report, but... i do not know the specific allegations and i did not ask the one party involved that i have a relationship with because it is none of my business... one point that i want out there is that several safe sport reports have been filed and USAW refuses to do anything about it at all... any sexual relationship between a coach and their athlete is specifically forbidden and that it has happened openly can not be denied... and yet USAW does nothing and makes excuses for why they will not... that is a huge problem... and speaks to the main issue of absolutely no accountability throughout the organization...
  20. search engines are 100% censored and shadow banning is 100% real thing... if you are not using an independent search engine then you will not find much that goes against the narrative...
  21. All true… losing half a step is out of the game for us midges… Still, just looking at his face took me aback a little… Never saw him look that bad… he took the mat… no excuses…
  22. If you respond he will keep coming back… let’s keep him on the stall fest meat head side…
  23. i respect JB as an athlete and for what he has accomplished... i respect him for being the absolute best in wrestling at playing the game... i will not miss him...
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