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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i got 27 likes on my tinder account... all bots... not sayin'...
  2. please tell me neither of them has claimed that with a straight face... i am begging here...
  3. typical and sooooo very *I have used this word too much*!!!!
  4. apparently... It was a very thorough explanation.
  5. full disclosure... i have not watched this documentary... but... i do remember the feelings that these gladiators stirring in me... my goodness...
  6. Agatha Christie- one coincidence is just a coincidence, two are a clue, and three are proof... i kinda feel like that settles it... the rest are clearly just...
  7. https://www.espn.com/watch/catalog/7fb22adc-37f8-4693-8dff-b510317a9558/the-american-gladiators-documentary
  8. everything is a strong statement... i literally have no issues streaming and every event there is a metric fuk ton of whiners playing their role... like i said... shocking...
  9. you can either have an excuse mentality or not... it is totally up to the individual...
  10. shocking that so many people would whine online... about anything... about everything...
  11. Nah… *I have used this word too much*
  12. Oh Bobbie… well played, sir… well played indeed…
  13. Of that you can count on… and you keep being so gosh darn *I have used this word too much*!!!!
  14. praise odin... i didn't want to assume... i am doing to grunt work for AI to start recognizing scanned PDFs that are sometimes the quality of old mimeograph copies and handwriting... when i talk to my boss about what he is trying to do i feel like how cinnabon must feel everyday of his life... equal parts humbling and horrifying...
  15. if i am getting too basic tell me to shut up, but... you can put multiple tabs in one spreadsheet... consolidate that data...
  16. all kidding aside... vlookups and xlookups are the handiest tools in excel... vlookups only look to the right of the search value... xlookups go up down and all around... pivot tables are the other game changers if you deal with tons of data...
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