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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. I know one person that drinks that piss water… love that dude and always have a great time when we hang, but… he’s definitely that dude…
  2. I think this has not been noted enough… bud light…
  3. greco will just be over here in the corner...
  4. i do like getting the excuses out there right now...
  5. tell that to 8 and 10 year old boys that just got a pic with a nice girl working her way through college on the strip and NEEDED that In'N'Out...
  6. so they still are not worried about it... that makes more sense...
  7. now the left is worried about child porn, trafficking, and exploitation...
  8. Adorable… public forum… you reap what you sow, sister…
  9. where do showers fit into this? it's a valid question whether you want to acknowledge it or not...
  10. was not my point and you are smart enough to know that... this is not about right and wrong and it never is in this country's playground political wars...
  11. the real problem is he is not wrong... but... but right and wrong is hardly what this is about...
  12. i think it is very disingenuous to even imply that gillman has not improved markedly since his move to NLWC...
  13. there is no show... the coward dik tucked like all the cowards do...
  14. stop you coward... no one who isn't man enough to put their name on themselves get to make any demands of me... go back to your rock where the other cowards hang out during the daylight hours...
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