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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. It might be how it came out almost 3 weeks after this month started… mayhaps someone had to tell them, “hey, USAW… act like you give a damn!!!!” or not…
  2. Yes, one of us has intimate knowledge… which, is why one of us said what they said… take it however you want…
  3. he was on crutches at the weigh on... no wraps or obvious indication for exactly what it was... just stick with "lower body" and move on... but... i was not exactly surprised the matches did not take place...
  4. https://cdn.uww.org/s3fs-public/2023-01/wrestling_rules.pdf?VersionId=TrwxqsLcMO9mvMEGrLD1PT8AP6.9f9xC it will take some personal initiative, but, will do you some good...
  5. there are no just cautions anymore... there are caution and 1 or caution and 2...
  6. they made a business decision... it failed miserably... doesn't seem like much of a story... plenty of thriving business' in the past that made poor business decisions that are no longer business' any longer... that is the way it works in a free market society... sissies absolutely hate free market...
  7. the far left (or any zealots for that matter) have never been to consistent in any of their "logic"... they can still proudly display their flags, but, only on their property... who can not see the validity in that?
  8. it actually makes it less vague in my mind... previously, negative wrestling was coined as "preventing" wrestling (blocking off... grabbing fingers... fleeing the hold/mat) and passivity was coined as "not attempting to score"... always confusion regarding some of that... now negative wrestling will be an only an attempt to injure and becomes direct caution and points...
  9. keep in mind, this was explained to me in about a 3 minute conversation during a tourney, so, keep that in mind... but... it was explained to a coach at U20 trials in the same way...
  10. as an example... just grabbing the fingers will be an attention, but, grabbing the fingers and bending them in a way that could cause injury would be negative wrestling...
  11. negative wrestling will only be called if there is an intent to injure... everything else is now just passivity
  12. it is something that is talked about in OEPs and clear violations should be a caution... again... at the highest levels of wrestling it is called with much more consistency than we see domestically... BTW... negative wrestling was redefined by UWW a month ago... negative wrestling is now defined as any action intended to injure...
  13. i do always love these rule "ideas" and "proposals" and "suggestions" that always pop up after an event by someone whose fav athlete did not get the result they wanted... i often wonder if anyone actually thinks they are making a difference on these threads...
  14. and... the women's style completely ignores par terre...
  15. i am rethinking some life choices after giggling a little at this...
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