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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i quit reffing out of state because i was disgusted at how these refs talk about our athletes and coaches behind closed doors... they want to be a part of the show when all they should be is a vessel to get our best to the next level... had to take off the whistle first local this year on principle alone... stopped into the local greco state tourney a week ago and got props from a local ref because me standing up made a difference... there are levels to this game that most "fans" have no conception of... but we all play our part, yes?
  2. you have no idea... whatever... #gratitude
  3. could have been... i was laughing so hard and just wishing someone would make a bad decision...
  4. yeah... i edited because i am still salty over my younger kid getting totally screwed by incompetent USA refs (again) and i might have taken it wrong... clearly i did... so... i reevaluated... gratitude...
  5. gonna edit because i'm probably being silly... #gratitude... thank you, brother!!!
  6. i just can't right now... i just got another world teamer in my family about 5 minutes ago... i'm gonna let you have the internet battle...
  7. one of us is not following this conversation very well... i am not sure who it is...
  8. you don't have to believe it... it makes no difference... you can't even get it correct that my older son is not in high school... you just believe what you want so your small little world continues to make sense to you...
  9. i'm not salty... it is just amusing to me when a "fan" doesn't understand what really happens...
  10. the very nature of greco can be somewhat arbitrary domestically and internationally... add in how american politics make it where no other country particularly cares for us and it is very easy procedurally to not help an american... especially in the most popular style... that is the sad reality...
  11. just remember... you are the one claiming gill man was "scared"... those are your words... i imagine it is an emotion you are very familiar with...
  12. you are adorable... i know your hero worship will not allow yourself to understand the realities of wrestling... trust me when i say i don't think any less of you...
  13. oh bobbie... everyone knows chic-fil-a gets those cars through with an absurd quickness... and i know for a fact you loooooove to CHOW DOWN!!!
  14. thinking back, i am pretty sure my 17 year old turned him in a gut once at the same camp as well... i could be misremembering that one... some of you "fans" do not have any real clue about the realities of wrestling...
  15. no... RTCs can work because there are big donors who care about the color of their frats preferred singlet... if someone did the same for greco it would work... we got NMU, the OTC, fort carson, a couple of greco guys traiing at IRTC... other pockets here and there... it is purely a support issue...
  16. long before we were ever team champions in the women's style... it was a special team...
  17. the reality is that RTCs are the main thing responsible for our success in free... they allow our athletes to focus on full time training throughout their competitive life span... until there is something similar for greco i fear the trend will continue... one thing is certain, USAW can not be depended on to do much of anything...
  18. not in HS... it happened it is very typical in par terre practices between greco athletes and the women's sport athletes... sorry to burst your bubble...
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