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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. No - not at all - read it again. The post I was responding to included "small town" - it was in the post. Read it again, son. Aldean is just fine by me. I don't particularly like rap music, I've made that clear. What you're doing is sounding like a politician. Trying to warp reality into something you prefer. Go 'on keep doing it if it suits you. I don't much like it - but if people who believe in you believe your BS, then OK.
  2. It is true, and it is unfortunate, that mostly ALL politicians are more interested in personal profit than improving our country. What is even more difficult to understand is why folks here continue to support those same politicians - while attempting to make the same dumb argument about R vs D... instead about which of the crooked politicians needs to be sent packing. Make no mistake. The lying, crooked politicians love the R vs D debate. That keeps the focus off them and their shenanigans. They continue to make deals with big money lobbyists and continue to buy cabins and yachts. The sheep? Nope - doesn't apply to either party. The real sheep are the people who continue with the R vs D debate. The debate that pits roughly half the country against the other half and is endlessly useless. As Americans first, the R vs D debate is wrongheaded. We're on the same team to begin with. That shouldn't change. Everything else should come after that understanding.
  3. Have you tried pissing on an electric fence?
  4. Well, actualy, yes. That is true. Unless - of course - some bozo starts to burn some tires. Then it all changes.
  5. A bit disruptive, but every word of it is true. Anybody who thinks burning tires on purpose is a good idea... should think further for good ideas.
  6. The Aldean song is about how small-town folks can resort to violence if your presence/actions don't fit in and they deem them as threatening. Which - if you've watched the movie Deliverance - then you see the parallels. That was a messed up little town. Does that make all small-town folks, everywhere, inbreds and idiots? No, of course not. That would be silly and wrong. My GIF was posted to imply that a specific poster was posting like an uneducated half-wit. Which I stand behind. C'mon - it wasn't that hard to figure out.
  7. That would be funny if you can relate to it. For me - I grew up mowing many acres of lawn 2-3 time a week. At least 5 properties including our farm. Had a big rider, a smaller rider, a couple pusher mowers, and a couple weed whippers. Squeezed it all onto a trailer and ... we'd ride. Wasn't really very hard compared to most farm work. The rider was the best, but pushing a mower or wielding a whipper wasn't hard either. Mostly sunny days and good times. Maybe 8a to 7p or so. It was a solid day to get it all done, but the result was a golf course looking lawn to be proud of. High point was the cold beverages after finishing the day (Really, I remember the cokes more vividly than anything else.) Always felt like we'd be finishing mowing just before we'd have to start again. Now I've got my own place, used to mow 2-3 times a week. Then (2-4 yrs ago) it was down to 2-3 times a month. In the last couple years, I've been mowing a bit more than once a month. Not just me, same for most folks in Southern Minnesota. Most of whom I know are farmers. No political message, Things don't look great. What I KNOW is right here in Southern Minnesota, it hasn't been good, and it continues to get worse. I see no signs of change. But DJT, don't burn any tires in your fire pit. It isn't funny - doesn't resemble funny. Be glad your lawn grows. You're lucky.
  8. You don't even make any sense here. Sweeping generalities about who? Poster initiated the Alean-song "small town" angry garbage. I responded with a deep-south, small town gif. Tell me how it's racist and I'll agree with you.
  9. Excellent, you had inside knowledge that the rest of us didn't have. So, you were able to unscramble that puzzle all by yourself. Nicely done. See - I told you to keep working on it. Keep at it. Use your words, and others' words will come easier. Practice.
  10. No, not true. That is an uninformed post, and not relevant to my original post. As I said in my above quote - "went through training and passed all the necessary requirements.) Basic stuff here. Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants police officers that can somehow cheat to qualify. Law enforcement is a critical part of our society and no cheating should be tolerated. None.
  11. Quoting other people is conventionally done with quotation marks - so as it to make it clear the words aren't the author's. In addition, referencing the 'actual vets' somewhere, perhaps a footnote, is also a popular convention. Not only does it make it clear that the post writer isn't the original author - but it is also a respectful way to credit the actual author. Which is important if the actual author's words are considered valuable. With these types of mechanisms, we can avoid the miscommunication that otherwise can result in unnecessary disagreement.
  12. So, I'm a "fascist"? You're proving to not only not know what the word means, but also that you are nothing more than a turd poster that I gave too much credit to. That's on me. I should have known better after you made a post pretending to be a Marine (the post below.) On social media, as much as most pretend to hate politicians - it is filled with at least as many liars like you. Likely many more.
  13. It's like now that immigrants get visas and can become police officers (after they went through training and passed all the necessary requirements.) It's... well, not sure how to describe it other than it sounds legitimate to me. If you remember, the stereotypical Irish policeman from old school movies was based on the fact that many Irish immigrants did, in fact, become police officers. They were immigrants and were in a position to take whatever jobs they could get. Being a police officer, at the time, was one of the less desirable jobs available. So, a perfect fit. Doesn't sound all that much different than today.
  14. Bibrog - I get it. You seem to have been offended by me somewhere along the line. Now you take every opportunity you have to try to get back at me. OK, Cool. Keep at it. Just be careful of what people you align with in your effort. Some of them aren't nearly as smart as you are - or nearly as sincere. Not even close. OH -And, also, I don't read/post during the day. That's when I am focused on working. I read/post mainly at night, when my daytime responsibilities are complete. I also don't necessarily read/post every day. I am sometimes otherwise engaged. So - if I don't respond. Don't be too quick to get on a high horse about "he can't respond" ... it's more likely I'm not here.
  15. You are becoming more and more tedious each day. Below is the post you made two days ago (unedited) - reads like someone claiming to be a Marine combat vet. There are actual, real, military folks here - some with combat experience. What you're posting is a disgrace.
  16. I know you claim to be a jarhead, but none of the marines I know are so delicate about other people's opinions. In fact, they are generally not at all concerned about much that isn't actually important. I can't think of one that would be bothered to try to stir the pot all day on a silly internet message board. If you really are a marine, and not another internet fake, you seem to be a soft version. Be yourself, I support you.
  17. That's my cue... "You're a moron insect!" Hey - Bigbrog, how'd I do? Didn't know if I should do crickets or names, so I did both.
  18. FFS, Why? Why do you insist on continuing to beat this battered horse? As I've said repeatedly, I don't claim to be a weapons expert. I see no need for either of us to make this personal. Here's what I do know: "Sale of new AR-15s in the US was banned by the Federal Assault Weapons Ban from 1994 to 2004" Banned for a decade, because, you guessed it, they were Assault Weapons. Not only .223, some used 5.56 cartridges (which are very similar - yet not the same) My facts are from a specific source, this one - Colt AR-15 - Wikipedia The details of the Federal Ban are here - Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia Seems like some people think AR-15's are assault rifles, while others think they are not. To be sure, It's nowhere near clear-cut. So, maybe we stop beating on this poor horse?
  19. Well - that was something. In an effort to stop your technique AKA "baffle with bullshit"... Let's take your questions one at a time: "Is woke Marxist?" "Woke" is just stupid. Moderates of both parties are in that camp - quit that already. "Is an AR15 an assault rifle?" The AR-15 is not a specific weapon, the name has been used for multiple weapons from the 50's to now. "Does AR stand for assault rifle?" This is a legitimate question (finally.) The Dictionary has a definition, the US Army has a different one. Given the lack of a definitive definition, I see it as a yes - it does. Yours may be different. That's cool w/me. In the US, we have that kind of freedom. We don't have to agree on everything. It's OK, comrade OTM. "does anyone take these guys seriously?" Your Abbot and Costello routine earlier was just too much. That was a clown show of the highest order. Oh - and that last point you made, which is DAF: "I’m not going through it all, but masks are useless for aerosolized virus." Again, you are DAF here Masks are absolutely useful for aerosolized viruses - you know that surgeons wear them in the OR. N95 masks are extremely effective - like 80%... sure, other masks are less effective. If you interest is to have a conversation - maybe stop with the piling of bullshit and instead bring up a topic at a time so we can discuss them one at a time. Maybe agree, maybe disagree, but nothing wrong with an honest conversation. If your point is to be a jerk - then keep doing what you're doing.
  20. Well, there you go. That's a start. It's not a meaningful point - it lacks any substance. But it's a start. Keep at it. You'll get better.
  21. Really, seriously, I don't hate you. I don't even know you. But if you're going to post - you really should have a point. If your point is "read more google", then you don't have a point.
  22. As I just posted on another thread... if you've got a point, make it. Otherwise, you're nothing more than a dull distraction. My time is better spent following the f'ing Russians committing war crimes in Ukraine. Those b**tards.
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