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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Why does everyone seem to forget that Anthony =/= AJ or Angelo. His results aren't anywhere near as impressive and he is given so much credit for being a Focus when he is the smallest and most insignificant of the bunch. That is why he has a Napoleon complex and needs to bring guns to the table. He can't match his brothers (or his father for that matter) and he has known that for YEARS. Add in that he also can't even get in to Iowa right now. They flagged him at admissions.
  2. I think you are a few dozen layers too shallow there. Oklahoma State fan posing as a Minnesota fan posing as an Iowa State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Cornell fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Cornell fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Minnesota fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Oklahoma State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Minnesota fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Oklahoma State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a the Ohio State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as a Michigan fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan posing as an Iowa fan posing as a Penn State fan. Throw in a random Iowa State fan for PD3 purposes somewhere in there and you're good.
  3. Honestly? From a moral perspective? He does. When someone is wronged on an extreme level, he eats that shit up. It's his 'reporting' that is shit. If he had two usernames and let one do his 'reporting' and the other be his social media handler (mind you he would have to get over his Rutgers hard-on, no disrespects towards Rutgers intended) everyone here would love his social media handler. The guy does push for what's obviously right when it is obviously wrong. You know what? Make that three handlers: - 'Reporting' - Rutgas - Social Warrior
  4. Yes. Answering for a friend. Their name rhymes with Cinny Jimmabons.
  5. My hope(s)? Michigan, Michigan State, or Central Michigan. Where is the reality finger pointing? OSU (Oklahoma State) It is looking like he will be 184 for them, Wittlake will drop to 174, and Plott will Redshirt.
  6. Not even 9:00 AM - US Eastern yet. Not his best work, but still impressive.
  7. I have one that I upkeep. Super scientific...
  8. Not sure if an upgrade from Fidel Mayora, but Michigan needs a 149 so their Frosh can redshirt. I still think Gilcher at 149 for a season (then redshirt) is a better peak performance option.
  9. Iowa fanboys did. I am not an Iowa fanboy.
  10. Thought he was the smaller of the two...
  11. Looks like he started a firing petition of his own
  12. Yeah? 2020 Spencer smokes him. It isn't close.
  13. Right. You lost or something? We aren't talking Max Dean. We are Talking Max Murin. It took ten years for Murin to AA. VV will do it in two.
  14. I am not going through the 46 dozen tweets I read the last week to tell you that. It was Twitter. I follow damn near everybody except Minnow because his weak ass blocked me. Edit: This sounded harsh. It was not meant to be: My apologies.
  15. Honestly Iowa has, more or less, cemented itself as the heel because of certain fanatics and trolls. What keeps on NOT happening is them fading off in to the background. For some stupid reason people have a hard time accepting that Iowa is here and is going to be here as long as there is college wrestling to talk about. Even if they stood pat and did NOTHING, they were competing for 2nd place. They didn't stand pat. They picked up a 149lber for the next three years and even if they didn't get much else in the TP, they absolutely were a key piece during the entire process. Why? Because it's Iowa. They lost possibly the GOAT 125lber ever, had injury not derailed him. As far as peak performance ever? Spencer Lee is the greatest 125lber NCAA D1 wrestling has ever seen. Period. Who did they get to replace him? Ayala. Another contender. Bet your ass he is contending. Teske and Woods are back. They may have lost Murin, but VV will be contending right where Murin left off, maybe a small step back. Siebrecht, Kennedy, Brands, Assad, and Cassioppi all back. They only actually lost one potential point scoring weight in 197. One! Yet they're not going to contend? That's a joke. Even I, the 3rd largest UofM fan on this board know that Iowa is still favored over Michigan right now. That is the way it should be, too.
  16. Aye. Even I was like "WHO DAFUQ IS TYPING THIS SHIT?" when I read what you were quoting and then I was like...
  17. This made me hungry. It isn't supper time yet.
  18. Some people here would have had you believing that it was a good, Golden move in which absolutely nothing could have possibly gone wrong with. They legitimately didn't even need to step foot on campus (let alone be accepted as students) to do that. Just the word of them going there did enough to tear the damn house down. That tells you just how much better the culture that John Smith was (and is) making over at OSU. Took a year and a half rather than a week and a half.
  19. Thinking JB would go to Iowa is laughable. He is very loyal to Manning and Nebraska. He would take that job or one close to home (Philly/NJ area) long before Iowa.
  20. Anthony didn't get accepted.
  21. They do need a 157lber for a season while Swiderski redshirts.
  22. Again... if yourself or your son were put in to a hostile environment with someone who has pending 'potential' charges for gun related threats against them would you not protect you and/or your offspring? This isn't even adding in the fact that he was actively driving up and down their road while issuing the supposed threats. You are choosing a very stupid hill to die on, especially since that Focus brother likely wasn't seeing any starting time in the lineup any time soon. I mean.. didn't he choose to not wrestle his last year in high school because he couldn't beat the guy in the starting lineup and he didn't want to go up or down? This is the guy you are defending? Edit: ADDITIONALLY... he (Anthony) didn't even get accepted in to Iowa. He didn't meet criteria to be allowed in to a school that PD3 was allowed in to FFS. Do yourself a flavor or three and get over that clown.
  23. Never heard of mind bottling. Even google corrects it to mind boggling and then tells me I should correct you because you are my friend.
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