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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I love that Greece has a Spartan on his singlet. Almost a jab.
  2. Looks like the twelve years at UofM us working for him as well........
  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... 1W - 56L against Abakarov now.
  4. All four 74 KG matches were fire. Wow.
  5. Wait. Appears Greek and Salk have a challenge as well.
  6. Whew. 6-4 Dake.
  7. He might not have. Japan challenged at the end there.
  8. Greek beats Salkazanov.
  9. Sidakov advances on 4-4 criteria. Dake wins a Dake 5-4 match.
  10. Dake is down on criteria with about 30 to go.
  11. Takatani is just so quick, so fast.
  12. Sidakov up 4-3 now.
  13. Intermission: Dake 1, Takatani 2 Cabalov 3, Sidakov 2
  14. He beat him a few years ago at Russian nationals. Then proceeded to lose to Zhamalov.
  15. Cabalov up 3-2 on Sidakov after 60 seconds.
  16. Japan trying to choke Dake out here.
  17. He is like 0-56 against him at 57 and 65.
  18. Micic just beat Uguev in the QF.
  19. Nobody was rooting as hard for Micic as me, mate. You are trying to preach to the pastor.
  20. Challenge. This will end either 9-7 Micic or 7-6 Uguev. It was close.
  22. Stood up at 20 seconds to go.
  23. 7-6 Uguev 30 sreconds left@
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