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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. You are incorrect, Ser. He did, and is. It is not a matter of opinion. I would be.
  2. No points record (again) for Penn State.
  3. Who is beating him?
  4. He earned the right to use it however he saw fit, not how you (and everyone who didn't qualify for one) sees fit. Let him be.
  5. In the graphic that his school released, it listed Penn State, Purdue, and Ohio State as the schools he is considering.
  6. https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/perma/763/iowa-vs-ohio-state
  7. Daschle seems to have a style that lends itself towards MFS.
  8. It is as simple as if Starocci had chosen to not take a team-first mentality to it, he could have said the weight he was going and not given the coaching staff the opportunity to 'talk him down' to 174lbs. That said, I am now on the 'BS' route, because he did intend to go 74 KG (163lbs) for OTT.
  9. I agree that it seems high. That said, they (Flo) base their rankings off of past results until proven otherwise. His placement(s) from his past garner him the lofty ranking.
  10. Instergram.
  11. There is depth to their results that isn't shown, such as people leaving the weight class (via graduation or to a different weight class) as well as complications at their former institutes that aren't taken in to consideration (Woods' workload, and the fact that Woods was better the year before his final year at Stanford - as it were). I am not disagreeing with you, to be clear, just playing Devil's Advocate. I also think it is poppycock that people regress.
  12. This thread reminds me of a line Thor used in Avengers: Infinity War. "Thor: Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored, there with a man we call the Collector. Peter Quill: If it's with the Collector, then it's not safe. Only an idiot would give that man a stone. Thor: Or a genius. Gamora: (To Thor) How do you know he's not going for one of the other Stones? Thor: There's six stones out there. Thanos already has the Power Stone because he stole it last week, when he decimated Xandar. He stole the Space Stone from me when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones are safe on Earth. They're with the Avengers. Peter Quill: The Avengers? Thor: They're Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Mantis: Like Kevin Bacon? Thor: ...He may be on the team. I don't know. Haven't been there in a while. As for the Soul Stone, well, no one's ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore, Thanos can't get it. Therefore, he's going to Knowhere. Hence, he'll be getting the Reality Stone. You're welcome. Gamora: Then we have to go to Knowhere now. Thor: Wrong. Where we have to go, is Nidavellir. Drax: That's a made up word. Thor: All words are made up." At the end of the day, everyone is a transfer. Ergo, all teams' best wrestlers are transfers. Ergo x2, this thread is pointless.
  13. Not so sure it matters, in the scheme of things.
  14. I think it is a convenient platitude, though. I think the plan the whole time was Starocci to 184 and Brooks to 197, but some other things were able to come to fruition to make so Starocci was able to choose himself.
  15. After seeing Mesenbrink all over Cael during live drills I find it very tough to think Cael would have anything for him aside for big brother syndrom.
  16. I would call BS on this one, though. Facundo did his best wrestling prior to college when he was up a weight (or three).
  17. Truax weighed under 190 many times weighing in at 197lbs. There were several threads (verifiable) on here with screenshots of his weigh-in weight. That is less than many average sized 184lbers. Had it been decided he was to go 174lbs, he would have gone it.
  18. ***ducking** golden, bro.
  19. You mean 133?
  20. Huh? Just post the goods.
  21. Oh, I undersrtand that they have a fire-ass lineup, but the only one I would bet my house(s) on to AA, providing no injuries to be expected, would be Henson. Latona is up a weight and has already taken an odd loss this year, Stewart had a couple (early) losses last year that were head-scratchers in hindsight, Wolak is in a new town and also took quite a few losses that he'll need to avoid to replicate his success last year, and Ventresca is coming off an injury at the lowest weight class. I hope they succeed - all of them, but I was merely playing devil's advocate. Also, I do think once Monteiro settles in to 184, he will acclimate a bit better. My best comparison would be Gavin Kane/Cade Lautt a few years ago at 174/184. Obviously, I am throwing out best-cast scenarios.
  22. VTech only has 1 sure fire AA right now. Stanford could outplace them (if all shirts are pulled and such).
  23. Curious if it is a weight thing. Perhaps 133 is calling for him?
  24. I think as a whole if they improve their gas tanks, they could. Especially were Cardenas and Valencia not be on Redshirt and Ming were to come back. Monteiro wad also supposedly vyeing for the 174lb spot, so if he can grow in to 184 he will be bett we than he appears now. I don't think Provo was ranked #1 for a while, though. I thought it was legitimately one week and he took losses that week so he dropped. I think Stemmet's losses to Carroll and Focus are more apt measuring gauges than the beating Buchanan put on him. Three potential Top 5s in a row is a rough go to start the season. He should make the required adjustments and contend for low AA/R12. Abas could wrestle Parco 40 times and lose every one of them. It is a shit style for him. He can definitely compete for high AA honors, though. Seeding will definitely dictate his peak aat NCAAs. I am all for it. It appears Koll got the right recruits there and Ayres is helping them improve the right ways. If they can keep improving they will be fire when March rolls around - especially with a gas tank.
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