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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. What. Is this for real?
  2. Classic Schrodinger's Ferrari. He is both undefeated and defeated this season until the shirt is formally torn off
  3. So you think Cael is not undefeated as well?
  4. DeSanto: pushes RBY to the edge : "He's stalling!!!1!" Mr. Hollywood: pushes all match without a single offensive attempt : "Well ACHTUALLY, pushing your opponent around without shooting IS offense and should be rewarded!!!" I guess, like all things with Carter, it's just an act. In this case, it's the act of making it look like you're sorta trying to score that should be enough to give you the match.
  5. It's all just an act. He'll wow all of you paid haters in March when he brings a prop gravestone to the finals.
  6. is Carter Hollywood the first 4x champ to get scared of a true freshman?
  7. Barr is good. Very good.
  8. oh, sure. That is totally a continuation call
  9. he pushed a lot which I was told by many, many, many PSU fans (including the late tbar) was not wrestling
  10. Carter will randomly wrestle that kind of match against someone not quite at his level so I will try to contain my enthusiasm. That said, I'm hoping Gabe sat out today because he is working his way down to 174...
  11. it's funny because i recall leagues of psu fans complaining about pushing == not wrestling. But isn't that what Carter "Golden Globes" Starocci has been doing?
  12. I don't know about that. I don't like the backing up but Angelo has taken the only meaningful shot
  13. oh gawd. on top of everything i have to listen to Bo??? I'm cracking open the goose
  14. huh? what broadcast are you watching? I did not see that on the stream
  15. How did Levi ever make 157
  16. I'm ok with the stall calls (I would like to see more calls, generally) but that felt like a very ill-timed stalemate
  17. oh fuching christ
  18. wow, Zahid could have really benefited from that display of grace from the official
  19. jeez. MM is as creative as Nolf, I think
  20. all my picks have been wrong so far so I'll be content with some semblance of a closing of the gap here
  21. this is eggstremely disappointing
  22. Teemer needs to put more effort into a ride in future matches.
  23. a little too much aggression
  24. uh oh, Kasak looked a little dazed there
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