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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. minors aren't going through it on their own they are always led by the hand... by a crazy adult
  2. the misogyny of thinking men playing dress up and acting stereotypically isn't as bad as black face
  3. the laptop was a cheap russian fake
  4. everything is fine in biden's econony https://www.cbsnews.com/news/salary-homes-how-much-you-need-to-earn-to-buy-a-home/#:~:text=Now%2C Americans must earn roughly,digital real estate company Zillow.
  5. Lincoln, thinking about the state of the republic
  6. emergency wondering what measure and spending will be use to 'deal' with this 'emergency'
  7. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-outcomes/
  8. dont tell me climate change caused the 'drought' in california... when it was always dry. they had to bring water in... shut that off... blame climate change
  9. i haven't engaged you much. i forgot what dipshit you are i had already told you I wouldn't engage such a ***I'm not very creative and act like a 5 year old*** sorry i apologize for my short memory and not holding a grudge. I will not respond to your crap anymore.
  10. ah but you see. this is happening. people have been de transing for some time.. but for some reason.. it isn't reported. wasn't it you who didn't believe me about the porn in schools?
  11. keep any thoughts and prayers about my kids out of your stupid mouth.
  12. leftist: being a jerk is worse than gang rape
  13. more jerkiness people didn't know who to watch out for
  14. is this what you tell hamas?
  15. hi @ThreePointTakedown you were saying don't be a jerk? yeah... dont' let kids.. who have no clue... or don't influence kids to do irreparable harm to themselves
  16. so you think someone else knows better for my child than i do? you can gfy
  17. btw,, editing? what are you talking about?
  18. i was told it was the right who were fascist
  19. what happens when i misgender you in michigan? what happens when I don't want my child to transition in california? now tell me who the fascists are
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