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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. here is some evidence about the left being more radicalized than the right wrong thread. oh well
  2. no one has discussed reasons for greco being more popular ... maybe there are more entrants b/c its wide open? i dont follow greco... are there clear favorites?
  3. i have known trump was an idiot since 1986. He said 'we (usfl) have the NFL, right where we want them.' He got a dollar. I never watched his show. Thought it was stupid and that he acted like a bombastic buffoon. Exactly as he acts now. the Left loved him.
  4. i just find it interesting that the whack jobs were right and now the GOVT admits it
  5. the bubba wallace 'hate' crime got more msm coverage than the attempted assassination of a president
  6. no no no he belongs anywhere but in a position of power
  7. that was easy the internet probably wasn't up yet
  8. i never had one about flouride or chlorine... i heard many... but wow https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/whatwestudy/assessments/noncancer/completed/fluoride
  9. they dont even know her or dont care that they are lying
  10. i was told it wasn't happening
  11. it appears he also likes people who didn't get into the ivy league schools wonder what he has against obama
  12. i actually thought it was just a black line... like something had been redacted, so nothing.. but still better than the plan of harris
  13. so you are saying she is going to give up her money? or other peoples money?
  14. crime is down, but jobs are up oo wait.. you dont hate media enough
  15. warren doesn't understand it either
  16. so think about it.. are the wealthiest paying most of the taxes or not we keep hearing soak the rich...
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