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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. this year was kind of an anomaly for the finals as well. I can't remember the last time saturday night was this exciting . maybe Most fans remember how boring they can be and choose not to watch the average person does not watch wrestling, unless someone takes them by the hand and watches with them
  2. i dont think it had anything to do with it but im surprised no one mentioned we are butting up against basketball. I think the cable numbers are down b/c of streaming. yes options are the same... but the smart buy is NOT cable.. so more people are using the streaming options. i have used Hulu for 5-6 years now..maybe more.. and have espn+ as part of it. oh i know what happened... my son and daughter were home... so they watched it with me... we didn't have 3 tv's in 3 different cities... sorry guys
  3. did brooks say they couldn't go to school there? did he throw anybody off a building?
  4. wear the shirt!!! bake the cake!!!!!
  5. i have been told repeatedly that b/c Im a conservative that i am a terrorist. yet, brooks is in danger from a group that has been embraced by the correct ppl here (media) ... and that group has beliefs and ACTIONS which go way beyond most conservative views
  6. if you dont stand for something you will fall for anything and many ppl nowadays are falling for some pretty stupid stuff being fed them.
  7. i dont agree with what he said..not b/c it's not true... but b/c its inflammatory to a group or a dig at a group of people i do agree with his right to say it.. i still ask the question...why is he in danger?
  8. but why would he be in trouble?
  9. tell that to ESPN and their continued bowing to the religion of the left
  10. its funny that people here are attacking brooks for attacking a religion.. when they are attacking EVERY religion... hmmm
  11. there is a lot of that going around the last few years
  12. im so sorry this is happening to you
  13. im so sorry this happened to you
  14. so then why did you have to ask if he is a liar?
  15. ok both of you listen up numbers...189327489273489 mentioned that star was humble in his interview. i should have said i also saw a star tweet about max dean. very humble and praising max. so maybe star has grown. or maybe he hasn't. maybe he was always a good person. but other people find something bad to chip away at them... just like this whole brooks thread.... are you getting closer?
  16. im not a PSU fan see, you are starting to figure it out... there was no thread about Jesus praising this year... b/c all the champs did it... or most...
  17. i also saw an awesome tweet about max dean. he maybe has grown. or maybe not. maybe he was a good person all along... and most people... like the people castigating brooks just see what they want to see.
  18. no thats not what im saying i just found it odd that no one commented on the other champs claiming God helped them, when for years, PSU has gotten castigated for it so with respect...can it
  19. dude ... i have no idea what he said BUT YES, PSU has gotten heat for YEARS on the forum for their JESUS ADORATION etc so dont go there. i agree he was out of line if he said something like that.. again i didn't watch it . just pointing out that the hate for PSU must be strong... b/c none of the other champs were called out for mentioning jesus
  20. i didn't see brooks interview. he and star were the only two i didn't watch. but apprently praising God is pissing off more than 2 billion? b/c we deal with this every season. Im not a PSU fan, but give me a break, PSU has taken heat for this for years. Yet not one thread about the several that praised God before Brooks. yes his comments are childish if he dissed someone else... and scouts honor is actually a dig at russel scout
  21. im so sorry this is happening to you
  22. yeah yeah yeah... every year we hear about how PSU is GOD GOD GOD but this year... not just them
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