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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. I think RBY could probably take Lee down, but he hasn’t really wrestled anyone with Lee’s top ability. Unless he escapes in the first 5 seconds or something I think Lee could turn him.
  2. Man I would love to see that match. But probably less than 1% chance it happens. Iowa’s backup probably isn’t beating Steen. They really need to make the redshirts allowed to wrestle some matches rule apply not just true freshmen
  3. That’s referring to breaking them down flat, not taking them down in the first place, you cut that part out. It does specifically say the offensive wrestler is incentivized by the opportunity to earn a riding time point though.
  4. No, the context does not exist, at least not the context about being rewarded for getting a takedown. If anything, the context is that you are not required to attempt to turn because you can earn a RT point. That’s really the only explanation for the difference in wording between high school and college.
  5. The rule doesn't say anything about the guy having gotten a takedown. You're adding context that doesn't exist.
  6. That seems arbitrary. Getting a takedown earns you the right to stall? And why is it “symmetrical” for the start of periods (or after injury time)? Using this logic only the guy who chose the position should be eligible to be hit for stalling
  7. Jimmy has some weird fetish with trying to get people to talk trash on PSU (and I do believe he's actually a fan). I'm sure the responses to this thread were mostly what he was expecting.
  8. Side note, but I did also get a laugh out of Kevin Ward criticizing Mark Branch for saying he “doesn’t have enough time” to read a 2 page document (but he did have enough time to reply twice in the tweet thread)
  9. If they are in the process of escaping sure, but why is the defensive wrestler required to try to escape but the offensive wrestler apparently doesn’t have to do anything except be “active”? Guess we can add this to the sequel to Stall Camp: “I try not to think of it as stalling, I think of it as ‘escape prevention.’”
  10. It does for the defensive wrestler, but not the offensive one, which seems a bit hypocritical
  11. His NIL $ per match ratio must be pretty high
  12. I thought Rutgers got rid of the grease trucks?
  13. He’d definitely be behind Cael, Dake, and Uetake at least. Probably Stieber. I think he’s ahead of Yianni. Don’t know enough about the rest to judge
  14. Wasn’t there rumors that Andonian might redshirt?
  15. I’m in favor of needing to score near fall in order to get the RT point
  16. Correct. High school rules say offensive wrestler must work for a fall, so seems pretty simple to add it to college
  17. Are you implying he shouldn't be? If he wins, it's simple math really. 4 > 3.
  18. Same, but apparently that's the direction...
  19. Interesting, especially considering Lee has the advantage of the 4 point nearfall for less time needed than the old 3. But Banach did have 9 losses.
  20. think I found it https://www.youtube.com/@wrestlingarena5484/videos
  21. Which one? Looks like there are like 25+ with that name
  22. I'm pretty sure he only partied after knowing he wasn't going to wrestle in the Scuffle. No clue if the partying had anything to do with being missing since then.
  23. Thanks for the link. Lee becomes #1 if he wins #4 IMO.
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