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Everything posted by Nailbender

  1. Please, by all means share this noble and perfect news source so that I too can drink from the fountain of truth and knowledge.
  2. I'm crying because Stephen Colbert doesn't make me all tinglingly in my no no place? I have less use for him than I do you. I'd have to have feelings to cry. To be clear, I'm pretty sure I know which way SC voted.
  3. Your power to drip with condescension while stating a falsehood is unmatched!
  4. I'd agree with most all of that. It was a crap story from Fox. I don't think it accomplished anything. Your last paragraph, I couldn't agree with more.
  5. I never addressed the accuracy of the news but you're right, you probably shouldn't go there. Good luck finding news like described. It's very rare or doesn't even exist. If you think you found it, it just means you found your echo chamber. "They can't be biased, they agree with me and talk about all the stories I care about!" Maybe if you can't tell how they vote, it's because your powers of perception just aren't that strong. Your perception of the news you watch has exactly zero to do with it's accuracy or bias. It sounded good though.
  6. This woman is not normal but she is no more representative of the average conservative young adult than the "libs of tik tok" are of the average liberal. A liberal slant to teaching however seems to be the rule rather than the exception. The right doesn't have a "war on knowledge" (that term is as ridiculous and drama filled as the college grad in the video). They're just tired of having liberal values passed off with the knowledge or in place of it. If you don't see bias in all news, you're an idiot. Bias can simply be which stories you cover and which you don't. You don't even have to give an opinion. Bias in news is unavoidable. Bias in teaching is horrible. Taking advantage of the role a teacher plays in a child or young adults world to push your own agenda is an awful thing to do.
  7. I hope to see SL but I'm not counting on it. I can't wait to find out. Sunday is going to be a great day to be in Carver!
  8. This time I really did screw up. My post wasn't even meant for this thread!! Bwahhaaaa! If you enjoy Cinnabon's content. You can have it.
  9. I couldn't care less about Twitter. This just seemed as good a place as any to mention the change in some peoples view of free speech. I could also not care less about California, Fox news or MSNBC but I haven't called for anything to be shut down or declared it better now that it doesn't have any conservative voices. I listen to a lot of view points, I just have the ability to ignore the stupid ones without getting excited or expecting others to agree with me.
  10. It's amazing the about face of the Democratic party. The same party that championed the rights of everyone, even the most vile among us to have their opinion and share it freely, now with equal fervor wants to hear nothing from the other side of the isle. Dissent is now their enemy. We know what's best for your children, we know what's best for your health, we know how to run your finances. If you don't like it, your opinion is not wanted. That is the message I get, even just from people on this small message board. I don't even think they realize it.
  11. Ice water, 2 eggs, English muffin and a sausage patty. If you can't look past the non sequitur, try some deep breaths.
  12. A lot of what you say makes a lot of sense. I definitely agree the coach knows best. I just like the idea of earning the spot. You want to be #1 you beat everybody. Makes it simple. Unfortunately life is never simple.
  13. What is the benefit to giving the wrestler who lost the spot? I don't get it.
  14. Black lives matter! My body my choice! Living wage! I don't understand what we're doing. It's also the last time I'll be addressing someone who randomly shouts current events. If these topics interest you, start a thread. I'm sure you'll find a taker. If not, stop it, it's creepy.
  15. I hope it comes from a change in attitude and a sense of urgency to score points and not from a confidence that will be easily lost against stiffer competition.
  16. Define non-violent. Sellers, makers, users? All of them? Does beating your wife on meth count? How about neglecting your kids?
  17. "crime is not a serious problem in this country and we should let a lot of people out of jail." You might be on to something. You think crime will still be down if we let "a lot" of them out? If so, which ones?
  18. Sometimes I don't even know how I got injured!
  19. When I was a young carpenter I was sent to the home of a well to do, grumpy, old goat. When he answered the door I introduced myself and he responded, "so you're the nail bender they sent me, huh?". I'd never heard the term before and it stuck with me. He repeated my last name and then proceeded to tell me that he knew my grandfather and that in not so many words, that my grandfather was an idiot. I bit my tongue and did my work but it really bothered me the way he'd disparaged my grandfather. I didn't say anything and that ate me up all the more. That evening I told my father of this and he laughed and laughed. The more I explained how mad I was, the harder he laughed. I didn't get it. Age has helped me to see why it didn't bother my father to hear the opinion of someone he didn't respect. I also think he was proud that I kept my cool. That old grump is long dead and I'm still bending nails.
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