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Everything posted by Nailbender

  1. Points are for wusses. Pin to win, however long it takes. I'm only mostly kidding.
  2. Agreed. Most violence is.
  3. I tried going back. I can't seem to find what you're referring to? What is "barbaric and unacceptable"?
  4. When trying to mock people who are bad at math is it customary to treat English as a second language?
  5. That's what I meant. Wikipedia isn't your worst source. Tweets (as if they aren't bad enough on their own) from lunatics fired from their teaching position and charged with cyber stalking, would not be a source I'd be sharing. I'd be embarrassed to even share I read them. Although I would feel similarly about the left wing blogs and rags you're constantly posting.
  6. Wikipedia is not his worst source, by a large margin.
  7. High quality sources for information and a classy meme. Look at you go.
  8. Lee. F 6-0. RBY. M 6-4 Woods. D 9-4 SVN. D 9-7 Cobe. D 12-7 Kennedy. D 15-7 Starocci. D 15-10 Brooks. M 15-14 Dean. M 15-18 Cass. D 18-18 Iowa wins when it doesn't count. I've been watching you guys do this for a couple years, couldn't miss out on giving it a try.
  9. Penn State? Wait...strike that, reverse it.
  10. If you're about to give up a reverse and back points but manage to hold on long enough to get a swipe or two in the process, it isn't exactly a testament to your abilities or dig on the other guys.
  11. Skipping the mind games and just putting the best team out they can is a much better strategy.
  12. That's really great. I'm sharing it with my son.
  13. That's definitely one way to look at it. Another would be that I'm not going to go back and forth with him rehashing the same shit over and over. If he wants a circle jerk, he can have one with you.
  14. My statements stand on their own, as do yours.
  15. These last 2 posts are exactly why your opinion on this subject no longer interests me and I wanted to be done. It was a rant. It's here in all it's dysfunctional glory. This last post was good enough to pull me back in, so I guess you have that as a feather in your cap. Since you're whining about your hurt feelings over nothing, here is my less filtered take on your ramblings. I made sure to answer any question that made even a small amount of sense. I didn't answer your questions earlier, because you don't read my answers. I'm also not sure if you do read them, you are even capable of understanding them. What you want is not by any stretch, a "discussion" but here ya go. My responses are in blue I honestly didn't even read the forum rules, so maybe I crossed a line but I'll own my timeout if so.
  16. All my comments are here for anyone who cares to read them. They address most of that in my own words rather than the ones you think I used. I'm not treating that rant as a coherent thought. I'm sure we'll talk past each other again, someday.
  17. You can't be serious. No state in 2023 or beyond is going to ban interracial marriage. Just stop.
  18. I have no patience for Republicans either. Our politicians don't represent the best of us.
  19. "Strong like bull" love it.
  20. Explain this question to me as if I don't know what you're talking about.
  21. Everyone is stupid until they get older. A few choose to stay that way, it's fine. Red herrings are always a bad idea, that's why people throw them out.
  22. We can have abortion in certain instances and not in others. We also don't have to leave it up to everyone to decide for themselves. There can be laws, with doctors and mothers still having the final say within that frame work. Not all prolife people want nationwide abortion bans or rape victims to carry their baby to term. In fact even a lot of prochoice people prefer abortion not to be used as birth control. This doesn't have to be all or nothing. Implying it does is dishonest or dense. The laws don't even have to be the same from state to state. I've been trying to be compassionate to your cousins specific circumstance but you're so passionate about this, you seem to not to be capable of reciprocating. You don't need to know my neice to value her life. She is happy and healthy(although not always or at first). She won't be productive and her parents have made a lifetime commitment to provide care for her. My niece is valuable, there are those in our society who don't think people like her are. I'm not saying that's you but those people are selfish and stupid. I'm also not a king, so my opinions are my own, which I've expressed by saying go ahead and vote on it. Even though I'm not sure voting directly on every issue is the way our country was designed to work. I'm also unsure that it's even a good idea but in general, I err on the side of states rights. You can take issue with that too if you like.
  23. Fine with me.
  24. I never implied your cousin thought any of the things in your second paragraph. I don't pretend to know what that was like. I was trying to agree that she made the best decision for her situation and acknowledge that it must have been the hardest one she will ever make. I err on the side of life. Not doing so is stupid and selfish, I'll stand by that. The idea that your decisions are yours to make until they harm someone else is not a new or radical idea. You continue to describe your cousins child to show how "horrific" it was, to get across to me that it wasn't viable and that it would have been cruel to try and keep the child alive. I already understood and agree. Yet no aknowledgement or even a mention that my niece could've had her life ended before it began. That gives me the impression you don't agree my nieces life is valuable? If you do, I assure you there are people who wouldn't. I don't agree with their choices.
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