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Everything posted by Nailbender

  1. Maybe you should take a break and watch some other people's matches, you know just as a guage?
  2. That article is dripping with opinion expressed as fact to keep people pissed. I thought you didn't like that? The only truth in it is that these bills are a waste of everyone's time. Just like the article.
  3. Thanks. I consider the money I send them a loss. Our federal government has promised a lot of money to a lot of people. I see no evidence to expect they will keep any of those promises or even put your interests towards the front of the line. That goes for D's and R's.
  4. I'm sorry that your cousin had to go through that. It must have been unbelievably hard for her whole family. I don't know exactly how this bill would handle her situation. My hope would be that it allowed her to make the horrible choice she had to make, just as she did, with her doctor, her loved ones and no interference from politicians. My answer to your last question is this, not all doctors and mother's are as compassionate as your cousin. People can be extremely selfish and stupid. I have a niece with disabilities, her parents could've made a decision similar to your cousins. Luckily for my niece her parents might actually be angels for the level of care they continue to give her, 19 years later. She wasn't nearly as bad off with the few details we have both shared but she is the sweetest person you could meet and she has a right to life. This is not meant to disparage your cousin, because making the choice she had to make I have a tremendous amount of respect for her too. I want less government in my life, so these kind of questions really make me think. I still don't know how I feel about this bill but in general, I would err on the side of life.
  5. I love hearing those who are getting played arrogantly claim the other side is getting played. The instances of abortion that are morally acceptable to most people (health of the mother, rape, insest) are few compared to abortion used as birth control. Yet those examples are always the ones brought up by the pro kill babies crowd to show how out of control pro-lifers are. Both sides play us against each other on most issues. Politicians aren't our friends and they don't care about us.
  6. Wow, I'm really passionate about this. Pick the version you like, I prefer #3
  7. Your motive is purely selfish, there's nothing wrong with that. If you'd drop the BS about it being in Iowa and Lee's best interest, no one would disagree with you. If Spencer won, it would definitely add to his legacy but he doesn't need it. There's not even evidence it would help the team for sure. They could lose even if Lee moved up. The road to Spencer Lee's legacy has already paved over Happy Valley and it eats Penn State fans up. If Lee moved up and lost, this board would have a "I loved the Spencer Lee for Hodge era" thread in 2 seconds. Filled with comments on the arrogance of the Brands brothers, questioning why they would ruin Lee's legacy and risk his health just to show off in a meaningless dual. Followed by "Cael is such a great coach Spencer Lee can't even beat him, he might be better than Gable!" cinniminnie thread. If he got hurt, it would be "TnT hate America for ruining our Olympic hopeful". If this board is anything, it's consistent.
  8. @BAC As a wrestling fan the benefits are huge. Maybe there is a scenario where it helps the team win a dual, maybe not. After that, you lost me. "The only one with anything to lose is RBY", is a worse take than your original. Lee risks nothing to go up a weight after double knee surgery? Risk the reputation he's already earned to make Penn State fans feel better about not being able to put out a worthy opponent at Lee's weight? I can get being excited to see a match like that but trying to spin it like it's in Iowa and Lee's best interest is laughable. Spencer Lee, Tom Brands and all Iowa fans want to see a 4 time National champion in the black and gold and the best run they can muster as a team in March. RBY can wrestle him freestyle anytime you want after that.
  9. It was probably more than one. That said, I actually think finding out what the rules for transfering are before you do it is the bigger issue.
  10. Agreed. Which is kinda silly. This premise is flawed in multiple ways. He has to bump up a weight to defend his legacy? No he doesn't. He needs to so his team can win? Not a lot of evidence for that either. When Lee is a 4 timer or maybe going for Oly gold, this dual will just be another in a long list where he dominated his opponent (Steen). This thread is just a thinly veiled attempt to throw shade on Iowa and Lee or using too many words to say " wouldn't it be cool if RBY and Lee wrestle this dual and who would win?"
  11. Burwick gets to wrestle. Happy for him and Nebraska but the over the top blaming Wisconsin (by others) is silly. If he really wanted to wrestle, he could've wrestled off Lamont and won. If not, take the chances somewhere else and know the rules before doing so.
  12. It didn't look bad to anyone who wasn't over the top (like 20 some pages worth) for Nebraska. I'll say it. This was over 15 pages ago. Nebraska, you and this kid got mad because someone better came in at his weight and he left without knowing the rules for transfering. He had to sit awhile, just like if he lost the wrestle off he didn't want to wrestle. It happens. Quit whining and blaming others.
  13. Because it's boring. I am a huge fan of a real hammer in the top position. The claw ride and thigh pry frustrate me to no end. The encouragement to ride through increased points for a turn and the riding time point were welcomed by me but more is needed to fix the unintended consequence of more stalling on top.
  14. Our federal government was designed to work slowly through comprimise. It requires consensus and doesn't deny congressional minorities a voice. It's roll in our lives was never supposed to be this big. This is annoying to know it alls who think they have all the answers and can't mind their own business. They see this process as dysfunction, when it's actually a gift of the time to be thoughtful about action and shed light on views that are not popular. (Like quit spending money we don't have for instance.) Even with a process designed for debate and the ability to hear from all sides, our government is still reactionary, easily distracted and short sighted. I can only imagine how bad it would be if they were able to screw things up even faster. Let them play their games, they will be "fixing" things again soon enough.
  15. Sorry to have to break it to you but yeah, a lot of it is.
  16. There's a lot of great wrestling to watch. Some involves no technology at all. I just watched the best wrestling event I've ever been to and I've been to quite a few. This one was a highschool JV meet where the kids wrestled hard, my seats were great and the popcorn was outstanding! I do agree with most of what you said about technology though. Here is what hopefully won't be a long story that applies to what I said about government and what Bernie said about tech. My business is registered with my state, has been for over a decade. This label is important to some customers and to the state but to me it's meaningless. It is literally just a registration, no proof of insurance, no certifications of any kind. Pay your $50 and you are registered. Up until now, I've always filled out the form and mailed it in with a check. This year I decided to renew online. The process is at least 17 steps according to the instructions page. 17 steps to verify information they already have! One of the instruction steps is to ignore what you see on the screen because it's incorrect. Government at its finest.
  17. Trump screwed up "EVERYTHING" but Fauci and Obama tried to save us all. How can anyone who isn't delusional actually believe any part of that sentence? When it comes down to it, the government can't save you from covid or anything else, NOR DOES IT CARE TO. Twitter and the internet aren't the real world. The democrats and republicans don't give a shit about you. Take a break from politics, find a little perspective, seek help if needed. Maybe even watch some wrestling.
  18. I let you get the last word last night but you just couldn't leave it alone, could you? Although, I am really digging your debate style. Step 1. Drag political debate on to the main forum. Step 1. Argue with yourself and invalidate your own argument. Step 2. Try to give me my opinion. Step 3. Spout off about things you know very little about. Step 4. Get owned. Step 4. Whine about being pinned down to your own stupid feelings based arguments that have no basis in reality. Step 5. Act childish some more. Step 6. Regurgitate the opinion you tried to give me back to me as if I said it, agreed with it or somehow it was validated in anyway. PS if you're smart enough to realize the counting is off, don't blame me. This is your list not mine. Even after I asked you not to turn this conversation to guns and start your own thread, you did it anyway. I tried being respectful anyway and I tried ignoring you. I guess this is how we will communicate.
  19. If we do, we'll be sure to leave our drugs behind and show a little respect for the country we want to come save our ass.
  20. It really isn't a difficult task to carry out. Stay out of Russian Gulag.......check!
  21. My relatives would NEVER be in this situation. I've already expressed that I'm glad Brittney is home. I'm happy for her family. It doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden goes out of his way to make the wrong decision.......a lot.
  22. I don't know how to put it any more plain. I don't care about DT. I don't know how to break it to you but he's not the president. He adds no value to this conversation.
  23. Please keep the good info coming. My email and password life is a mess. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of both but have hesitated to combine my passwords to one place for fear that was actually less safe.
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