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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. For years professional tennis coaches were not allowed to coach during a match. I think that may have loosened up recently though.
  2. I though Blockhus had him. Certainly let it all hang out with the offense.
  3. How many awarded this weekend? Any awarded resulting in a match going to OT? More or less than previous years?
  4. Gophers with 3 of 4 upsets this round
  5. Well that sucks. Someone buy that man a pizza.
  6. Brayton Lee started the year out ranked #1.
  7. Brands with the head massage makes for great tv
  8. Thanks for the reminder about B12 on ESPN.
  9. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/predefinedtournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=720278132
  10. I was hoping it was a Wisconsin Badger, but the suspect was caught on camera.
  11. If he gets past Barnett he’ll be fat and happy and ready to take out Lee.
  12. When was the freestyle match where it seemed coaches told Bo to let Taylor have the win and Bo stormed off the stage?
  13. It’s because BTN commented on her every single broadcast during the Marinelli era. The creepy comes from the BTN guys.
  14. News media lost trust when it lost objectivity. https://www.startribune.com/news-media-lost-trust-when-it-lost-objectivity/600255174/ https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-02-26/objectivity-is-key-for-news-media-to-regain-trust-and-find-truth
  15. Nobody knows what it’s “worth”. The Chinese might buy it for $80b. What is Elon’s SpaceX worth? More or less than the $137b at the last money raise?
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