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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. I would be inclined to agree, but that Steveson is gone and unfortunately probably never coming back. Imagine being so good that you can just show up and tech the world bronze who darn near made the finals...
  2. Parris is only going two ways with Masoumi and Zare: Close the gap immediately, or the doors are getting blown wide open. The hard part is that there are no training partners to get even a comp. Schultz is the closest in strength but lacks in the match simulation and technique departments because he's doing his own thing; Coon is the closest in size but greatly lacks in the other departments, again doing his own thing and domestically he was finally figured out two matches before making a double senior world team and unable to adapt through no fault of his own. FWIW this is a global problem not just a Parris problem. I think Masoumi would give Steveson fits as well.
  3. The Streibler elf has more asterisks on his record than a Barry Bonds season.
  4. That place is anything but boring. Crazy, full of tin foil shaped into little hats, and lacking basic logic beyond a HS diploma a lot of the time but certainly boring.
  5. Back in my day, a win over a post-collegiate NCAA champion at a holiday tournament in the midwest used to mean something.
  6. @Wrestleknownothing when are you going to *quit playing around and give the people what we really want: Pie charts of your favorite bars and bar graphs of your favorite pies and heat maps of your coolest places to visit?
  7. Hopke is going to be a real big sumbitch Why wait, get onto the senior circuit while your body is young and fresh as can be at this point. Another year of grinding your body into dust via NCAA commitments is not worth it. Most guys only have until 26-28 if they are lucky. Only the rarest of rare are going past that line.
  8. Are you talking about the calendar year or their ages?
  9. Hmm... Just dropped to 2.5 and you're skating on thin ice buster.
  10. Because this is America where we deliver blast doubles of freedom and let democracy ring with leg sweeps. Are you one of those greco commies that likes to wear the red singlet?
  11. But if I hit on those +25000 odds...
  12. If you could Ban Jimmy or turn a Basketball into a Cinnabon, which would you choose and why?
  13. They say the same about every non-olympic weight. Regarding most people at 157/165... well they can do the same thing every person ever recruited weighing over 190 pounds going into college was told: you can cut weight or you can bulk up. Or are you not committed to the team?
  14. He might be slowing down but Geno ain't done as long as he keeps bringing home medals. 125 is still a crapshoot and the top 3 are interchangeable although Zare has momentum and age on his side. Perhaps Parris breaks through but that is a tall task.
  15. I chose other because I heard Michigan found an Italyshirt in the compliance room and Suriano is coming back for NCAAs.
  16. Additional context: Schultz has had trouble with athletic heavies this year and that is because he is focusing on making an olympic team in greco. He will not have trouble with Hutmacher because of the wrestling style - one wrong move and the polar bear is going to be counting lights on that big iceberg in the sky. Schultz is a very dangerous matchup to any dancing bear who thinks they can rely on their raw horsepower. Ask Jordan Wood circa 2022
  17. If these ten weights are good for the rest of the world, why are they not good enough for Murica? If you are light just stuff a bald eagle into your singlet at weigh-ins. 57kg = 125.6 61kg = 134.4 65kg = 143.3 70kg = 154.3 74kg = 163.1 79kg = 174.1 86kg = 189.5 92kg = 202.8 97kg = 213.8 125kg = 275.5
  18. Why are you knuckleheads making this hard? Just emulate UWW and walk away. And to the doofus who said no weights above 210 - Kyle Snyder would like a word. Was he too fat for your liking?
  19. I'm failing to see any problems with this statement. Just align NCAA weight classes to the nearest UWW weight +2 pounds then use common sense to round up or down to the nearest whole number. e.g 70kg = 174.1 pounds so that would be 176.1 and since it's 0.1 just round down. 97kg = 213.8 pounds + 2 would be 215.8 so round up to 216 Problem solved. Sorry little guys, you need to hit the weights or cut harder just like those of us stuck between 197 and 285 have always been instructed to do. Or are you not dedicated enough for the team?
  20. That's why I was so confused when people were salty about DeAug and Davison. They graduated from a top school and moved on to a grad program at a... top school... Anyone care to guess how many college wrestlers make a lifelong career out of wrestling? Even national champs like Megaludis and world champs like Retherford move on. Sometimes people just want a bigger house and nice things for their kids and no sport, not even MBB or FB, allows for that except for an extremely small fraction of a percentage if we are being realistic with each other.
  21. People are forgetting a few things, Micic aside. You enroll at Northwestern for the NW degree and you get to wrestle, not the other way around. At T1 schools, you rarely get your grad degree from your undergrad. Maybe boomerang for a Ph.D. but even that is not commonplace. And referring to point #1, if you get a degree from NW then you are extremely likely to either go directly to the workforce highly regarded or are a highly regarded prospective grad school student. Sports are second priority.
  22. Regarding MFS, 2024 will be a changing of the guard that has not been seen in a very long time and while I have high hopes for the next class, the experience and leadership (likely) exiting after this quad cannot be overstated. World teamers: JB, Taylor unless he doesn't make the team OR gets silver, Gilman if he doesn't make the team, Cox, Gwiz, Retherford. I do not think Dake retires. Notable ladder & contenders level: Dom Bradley, Nashon Garret, Dieringer, Evan Henderson, Lugo, Pletcher Not anticipated but wouldn't surprise me: Suriano, Zane Richards, Seth Gross, Mr. Moriah Marinelli, Starocci, Nate Jackson, Nolf
  23. For all the non-runners, this is like skipping worlds the year before and Pan Ams that year and hoping to qualify at global last chance even though you had 4 years to plan.
  24. Not third but close behind. If Korir doesn't get to say he's an Olympian because of this stupid decision then that's a travesty.
  25. While we are all bitching, I'm here to complain that my buddy again narrowly missed making the olympic team yesterday because Team USA and their stupid goddamn blatant money grab known as the olympic team trials decided to put on a marathon in FLORIDA that didn't end until after NOON. Everyone dropped like flies and now we may only send two reps on the men's side because of the complex and difficult global selection process that was blatantly ***ducking** ignored and the women's side produced unexpected results to say the least via picking terrible race conditions. The athlete's issues were straight up ignored because they wanted some sweet money from NBC/Peacock. It would be the equivalent of having to weigh in at 65kg in order to compete at 74kg. ***ducking** travesty. End rant but I needed to complain outside my running bubble, please resume complaining about the Pan Am $ham.
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