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Everything posted by WrestlingRash

  1. https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/8057 Tadaaki Hatta came to the United States from Tokyo, Japan in 1961 and became an NCAA champion, two-time All-American and two-time Big Eight champion for Oklahoma State University. He helped OSU win NCAA titles in 1964 and 1966 while finishing second in 1965.
  2. I wonder if it is possible to put theoretical values on being on top like the guy who wrote the paper who influenced the coach who never punts? https://eml.berkeley.edu/~dromer/papers/JPE_April06.pdf Someone smarter than me with numbers could probably do a theoretical model.
  3. I'm sure many of you have heard about the football coach who never punts and always onsides kicks. For those who haven't: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1849595-high-school-coach-who-never-punts-explains-his-strategy In MLB, there has been an emphasis on home runs and a de-emphasis on batting average because of analytics. In basketball, there is an emphasis on 3 point shots because of analytics. Is wrestling lagging behind the analytics revolution? 3 point takedowns have started to balance out the value of certain scoring events, but I have a hunch that there is a huge edge that is being ignored because of traditional thinking and because its risky - top wrestling. Hear me out. What % of matches does wrestler A win when he turns wrestler B for a 4 point near fall? How likely is it that after turning someone once that you are able to turn them again? How much time do we spend on top wrestling during practice? If your partners in your room are beasts on top, will you become really good on bottom, negating the risk of being turned? What if a program spent 90% of their time mat wrestling and 10% on neutral? I think neutral is the emphasis in most rooms, it certainly was in mine. Should wrestling coaches consider choosing top every time? The other possibility is a pin, which in duals has a HUGE value. The risk is an escape in most cases, so maybe the upside is greater than the risk? In basketball you only have to shoot 30% from 3 to make high volume 3 point shooting make sense. I wonder about the rates in wrestling. Long post, I know, so the summarize - is wrestling overlooking the high potential value of top wrestling while also under developing top wrestling skills?
  4. I met him a couple times and was impressed that he levitates without touching the ground when he walks. Never seen that before.
  5. This is one of the most disturbing posts in the history of wrestling forums. I am disgusted, but also impressed you found a way to be more vile than a bunch of insane wrestling fans.
  6. President Trump is a 2:1 favorite in the Vegas/Offshore books right now. In fact, he is now more of a favorite to win than at any time while Biden was the candidate. Interesting times!
  7. you are getting me excited at the prospect of a healthy Sasso and a real feel good comeback story. Fingers crossed!
  8. Certainly a possibility, but as an optimist, I think Provo, Knox, Norman, Abas, Stemmet and Monteiro are all day 2 guys at NCAAs and that is points and the possibility of AA. I was more referring to them as a dual team in the sense of their best team ever. People are sleeping on Knox, but having 6 or 7 guys in the top 20 is pretty dang good for them. With Valencia and Cardenas taking redshirts, it sure changes things. A lineup with Cardenas, Garvin and Valencia is a good dual team, especially when you sprinkle in those other guys. Now, I am far less optimistic with the info that NHS67 graciously shared. Program insider?!?
  9. His dad was a late bloomer as well. Matt Monteiro was a beast.
  10. wow, thats big info. who might not be the #1 at that weight?
  11. Stanford should have one of their best teams ever. 125: Provo (good chance to AA) 133: Knox (beast of east champ and 2X NHSCA champ) 141: Aden Valencia (AA threat) 149: Abas (AA a couple years ago) 157: Cardenas (returning AA) 165: Garvin (returning AA) 174: Norman (beat Shane Griffith last year) 184: Not sure 197: Stemmet (3X qualifier) 285: Not sure
  12. Idaho, I saw the Aden Valencia isn't on the stanford website for their roster. do you have any info on him?
  13. I'd say that is a bit high, but even then it is less than 2.5% of college wrestlers.
  14. Exactly. I would guess there are about 20 wrestlers getting more than 1-2K a year off of NIL at the D1 level.
  15. how many college wrestlers do you think get paid? a percentage is fine.
  16. 8 AA's would be amazing. Hard to navigate the Big10 schedule with everyone staying healthy and not running in to landmines at the conference tournament. Would like to see another team in the mix with that many points.
  17. Any time I see Keck, I think of the real Keck. RIP.
  18. says the anti white racist who goes around calling high school kids white trash...
  19. Totally agree. Campbell needs to get an attorney and get really aggressive with the admin. We are dealing with bureaucratic scum in the admin layer of athletic departments and they are not very smart, on average. This is the rule of thumb at athletic departments across all D1 universities. A lot of University of Phoenix online MBAs and devry grads. Get a lawyer or 5, threaten to sue for breach of contract, and you'll see a reversal of this terrible decision. For a long time, wrestling has taken the approach of begging to not be cut after a decision like this. Emails, calling campaigns and twitter posting won't get it done. NILs and major conference shake ups have left wrestling in the most endangered position we've been in the 20 years or more. Sadly, I expect to see a lot more of this.
  20. over the last 20 years, they have averaged 3 AAs. I stand by my statement.
  21. thats what I was wondering. I appreciate the real answer flyingcement. Thank you!!
  22. You are one delicate snowflake!! I was wondering why they suck, not asking for your dramatic weird response. Try again little guy.
  23. They will have their usual 2 or 3 good guys and a mediocre team overall.
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