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Everything posted by WrestlingRash

  1. Illinois used to be good. They have really sucked lately. What happened?
  2. Do you know who Sam Calavitta is? He is the nutritionist who connected TJ Dillashaw with PEDs that got him popped. Here is a photo of him and his client David Taylor. Is it normal for a guy to go from 157 up to 203 lbs of pure muscle? Just asking. If you think Calavitta isn't running a Victor Conte Balco like operation, you are on crack.
  3. legal proof on a message board? you realized I asked a hypothetical - what would you say if I told you.... LOL you are funny.
  4. lol hilarious post. you are drunk on taylor. what would you say if I told you he is a steroid and PED user?
  5. The fact that people love to hate him doesn't mean unpopular. He gets eyeballs on his name at a rate no other wrestler in the NCAAs does. That means popular, no?
  6. Based on the number of posts about this young man, is it safe to say he is the most popular wrestler in college this year?
  7. Chris Weinke won the heisman at age 28! The BYU team used to be 4-5 years older at every weight. https://www.heisman.com/heisman-winners/chris-weinke/ edit: I don't disagree with you
  8. Interesting. If they don't fill one of the assistant coach spots with a real guy at that size, it will be a limiting factor.
  9. Who is he working out with at CSUB? I thought I heard Anthony Valencia left, so I think his ceiling will be heavily dependent on workout partners.
  10. If you think any of the top 10 guys want to wrestle him, you are high. Ferrari, while being a total MFer, is a great wrestler. For the guy who says you don't get better at wrestling by not wrestling - you are right, but that applies to injured guys getting no mat time at all. Ferrari has been training, just not competing. It might take him 2 months to get his lungs and legs under him, but he will be a top 4 guy and a real threat to win it all again. He is listed as a redshirt sophomore on CSUBs website. He has a chance to be a 4 timer.
  11. no, I think you are underachieving in your main job because you post here too much, so you are forced to be a waiter. not a good look for a college graduate.
  12. I don't like racism. go get some water for your table waiter boy. or a real job that can pay for your family. because right now, you are failing at your job as a man and provider.
  13. trashing bassett is funny and well deserved, but talking about his physical appearance and about his ability to get laid is lame.
  14. hey anti white liberal scum, read this: https://www.npr.org/2018/07/30/633891473/why-its-time-to-retire-the-disparaging-term-white-trash
  15. do you call things mexican trash or black trash? no? then don't be so comfortable throwing around racist terms about white people, you racist scumbag.
  16. that is racist. no reason to qualify trashy behavior with a race, you disgusting racist scummer.
  17. the face of okie state is david taylor. no room for anyone else
  18. try posting this question here: https://intermatwrestle.com/forums/forum/8-womens-wrestling/ you might get better info.
  19. This will be my 4th time going to worlds, and the 2nd as a spectator. Looking forward to it.
  20. so sensitive! its cute. keep going, we are laughing at you.
  21. you seem to have mistaken my comment about having 2 jobs (which is a reference to david taylor) as a comment about myself. slow it down, read more carefully, and lay off the caffeine.
  22. where did I play the I have a job and can't respond card? you are just making things up now.
  23. not allowed and unethical aren't the same thing. working a side job isn't the same thing as having 2 full time jobs. did the kids who signed up to wrestle at okie state know their coach would only be a part time coach?
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