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Everything posted by ionel

  1. rodents excell at bison ... got it
  2. Well at least not a house falling into the ocean.
  3. Definitely a no on the Beavers. But yeah he might be interested in that match.
  4. I was surtin that was gonna go the other way.
  5. I dont often want to learn about currency & covid But when I do I go to a wrestling forum Stay liquid my friends.
  6. Good for you, hope it goes well and they can recover from this, videos look pretty bad in some areas. Where in FL? One of my sons was Satellite Beach on West side of A1A but just took a new job in Beaverton, OR so now out of hurricane/tropical storm country.
  7. See above, Fed govt always in favor of a new tax.
  8. Believe that day has already arrived.
  9. Pretty much, hopefully you did a little carbo loading (beer) inbetween firewood trips.
  10. I coulda fixed my autocorrected words above on the old forum but Bob is grumpy and only gives us 15 minutes on this here forum, I'm not that fast. Well getting some spit'n stuff here too and 32 (maybe we ain't far apart), I actually cheated & did an interval Vo2 max workout on indoor smart trainer.
  11. Thanks, lots like made the right decision to get a bike ride in first.
  12. G had Humphreys pinned with minute to go, it was a slow ref at this meet, you don't want this guy.
  13. Like an hour, 30 min?
  14. But do the three have unique first names or initials?
  15. Well some of we now just laugh and post.
  16. You mean:
  17. Checking the Flo audio to see if I hear splashing.
  18. But why would they do audio, thought they were a streaming video service specializing in wrestling, fooled again and not only the 3rd time. I saw it on the WS schedule and didn't bother checking Flo
  19. Then why was it listed on Flo? Shows audio only now, can I get my money back?
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