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Jason Bryant

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Everything posted by Jason Bryant

  1. Most wonderful time of the year.
  2. Well, the google ad is geared towards your browsing history and ad tracking, not WrestleStats.
  3. This should be departmental. If every athlete didn't receive information about any and all changes to deadlines and processes, then that could fall not just on coaches, but the department's compliance office, too. They have to process incoming transfers and selfishly, they should let every athlete know their rights in these situations. There are a number of situations that keep athletes beholden to their school until certain times, not all of them may fit the NCAA calendar. Some schools are on trimester systems vs. semester systems. Others have different defined "championship seasons," so there are moving parts that a google search wouldn't solve. If any rule changes with an athlete's potential eligibility, at minimum, they should receive an e-mail about it. The automated systems these schools use to contact students and athletes make it a simple delivery option. Schools aren't going to open that door for people to leave, but it'd solve a lot more compliance issues outgoing if they at least covered their rear by doing something that shows they did let the athletes know the deadlines. There's also a lot of misinformation out there on the interwebs, so know knows what google search result would have been the most accurate and up-to-date. I will say if anyone legitimately believes Lamont wasn't going to start after transferring to Wisconsin, there's some saying about oceanfront property in Kansas or something. No dog in the fight, no ill will towards either coach or program, just looking at this without bias and trying to provide an alternative rational viewpoint.
  4. No proposal is a possibility until it gets brought up by the Divisional coaches leadership groups, and then recommended to the NCAA rules folks. Here's the PDF of the slideshow I'd created. Since then, Campbell announced it's moving to the CAA, so there is some potential movement with the southern conferences as they struggle with overall numbers to sanction new conferences. https://bit.ly/renovatelink
  5. I like, lowkey kinda love this ...
  6. Can you just post it? Few, if anyone, here remembers what you were banned for (It was before me, so I don't know), so just post it. Might I recommend not continually bringing up the old bans? This is a new home, no need to keep dredging that up. I don't think it matters to anyone. So, what's your proposal?
  7. I spent months on a realignment proposal for D1. To flush out a regional format, let's see how it breaks down. Split the teams up with some data-based information and let's discuss it.
  8. The expense isn't about the school, the expense is a regional would have an NCAA logo on it, meaning the NCAA would be on the hook to pay for every single entry and everything that goes with it. The income generated from three days in March IS significant, but it's not enough to move the entire sport to the NCAA paying the same way they do for March Madness, which brings in money our sport will never see. I will still forever insist that under the current way D1 athletics operates, removing the relevance of a conference is a death knell. I also want to say I don't disagree with your rationale behind this, but even if the NCAA doesn't pick it up, but there are teams that still compete regionally and don't really travel much and don't have the budget (and their admins will likely be unwilling to invest MORE in money-losing sports). The "spread excitement" into 5 regions is a great thought, but TWO tournaments draw. TWO. Big Tens and the NCAAs. Until the season moves away from the high school postseasons, we'll always cannibalize our potential fanbase in March. None of these potential regionals will draw. Remember, we only have 102 duals ALL TIME that have drawn over 10,000 fans in a single punch. I'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but the NCAA will not make changes without actual data. Nothing is going to happen unless there is a real, tangible, replicable benefit here. We aren't calling the shots, we're beholden to the leftovers of basketball and football with NCAA rules and regulations. That's the world we live in.
  9. Thanks Gimp!
  10. The NAIA is a completely separate organization. That would never happen. In the old days, schools that wrestled in both were dual affiliates. The NAIA champ never “qualified” for the NCAA tournament through their tournament. That practice isn’t allowed anymore. It’s an unpopular opinion, but I believe if your goal is to be a Division I champion, pick a Division I school, either out of HS or transfer to one. No other sport gives you “two bites at the apple,” and the potential for this to happen is not realistic or remotely possible. The option for schools to potentially pick their division per sport MAY be something that comes out of the transformational committee.
  11. As a staunch advocate of realignment in wrestling, there isn't a whole lot that really can be done or suggested until the NCAA's Transformational Committee finishes its work. Conference affiliation has been a constant excuse when it comes to shifty ADs looking to cut sports - if you take the conference aspect away from Division I wrestling, you put pretty much every program at risk if a conference has the out to no longer sponsor the sport. This is the primary reason I'm against regionalization models for Division I. While it may work to a decent degree (save the arguments in Division III for how tough some regions are from year to year and people being left home outside the Top 3), the Division II and Division III athletics model isn't the same as Division I and the conference affiliation is less of an issue for starting and maintaining programs. The NCAA (at least at Division I) got away from historical data to determine qualification methods. These conversations were held back at several NWCA Conventions and the issue is big time financial. It's also about how you distribute the teams. Geographical won't happen with equity. You wouldn't get Top 8 in 4 regions because the geographical imbalance would be too great. Shifting all these teams around just weeks before a regional creates that big financial issue. A hybrid model was broached, with the Top 16 teams being split into regionals and then keeping it primarily geographic, but there were too many financial hurdles there too. The system we have now is ultimately the best D1 has had since it was an open era prior to (I believe) 1968. One tournament doesn't make or break you for the entire season. Sick on the weekend of the regional? Too bad. Everything I've read from the fanbase about the current tournament is you want the best wrestlers there, right? Current format may have its flaws, but no system is perfect. I don't feel the playing field gets leveled for the mid-majors and smaller programs in a regional model. The big programs will just get shifted to each regional. Right now, we need to create MORE conferences to create more access. We need to create, not contract. The Big Ten isn't the roadblock, but I believe the dissolution of the sport's deepest and only full-sponsored conference (until the So Cal schools officially join) would be an absolutely terrible thing to happen. I feel protecting the teams we have is more important to the future of the sport than coaches doing what they do to exploit the qualfying/seeding rules to their advantage. We can change rules, but it's pretty damned hard to get a D1 team back after it's been dropped.
  12. It'll be 4th/5th.
  13. I don't see 149 happening, but here's WrestleStat's prediction. https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/47/north-carolina-state/52/northern-iowa Seems reasonable to assume NC State would be favored to win the dual. Cake Walk may be an overreach.
  14. Cliff Fretwell. Georgia guy from Compound.
  15. Let the dude wrestle. This clearly doesn’t come off as a case of someone transferring to avoid discipline (think former Oregon QB and donkey Jeremiah Masoli) and even though they are giving out free years like candy these days, the lifespan of a college wrestling career is pretty limited. I don’t care WHO is at fault, but let the dude compete. I don’t even care what the “rule” is here. Let the dude compete. What is the end result? Maybe a dual win and maybe the difference between 4th and 5th in the Big Ten tournament?
  16. I was wondering when someone was gonna start playing with this on wrestling.
  17. Jenna Burkert more likely.
  18. I muted a ton of political words, including candidates names, and my feed got so much better. I had Blue for a bit, but it got taken away, now I have to re-sign up if I want to have the ability to edit. I use that because it's quick, so I will fat-finger something here and there. My check was verified around 2012 during the London Olympics due to my role with (then) USAW. Twitter verified a lot of Olympic accounts then.
  19. Anyone else thinking that Elon's using "doxxing" incorrectly here? It's like that's the word he's now overusing.
  20. He just killed Twitter Spaces, which I didn’t use as a content creator very much, but was in them a lot as a listener of live podcasts, “town hall” types of things and post-game shows. He just gave Clubhouse a new lease on life.
  21. Fiscella is from my hometown. His dad helped me get my start in sports with a semi-pro football team in the 7th grade, long before I knew what wrestling even was.
  22. Now, not knowing there's criteria after the last statement ... them's fightin' words.
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