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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. Langowski from Chicago/NW repped Mexico because his mom was born there. Leigh Jaynes who was a world medalist for the US in 2015 unretired and wrestles for Cabo Verde now. A guy I coached against when he wrestled in high school tried to represent Guam. A guy who wrestled at ASU and is a high school coach around here repped Costa Rica a few times. There are all kinds. You can essentially buy citizenship in Dominica, not the Dominican Republic, or the Bahamas, St. Kitts and Nevis, which is where Dan Bilzerian's dad is basically in exile. I'm sure other countries like St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, have similar schemes. It isn't cheap but it isn't beyond means of normal people. I think for St. Kitts and Nevis it's like $125k. Now if you believe enough in yourself and think you can make it to the Olympics and worlds with little or no support from that country's Olympic committee or national federation then go for it.
  2. Rather not say. I know one was offered decent money by another country, not a particularly strong wrestling country, and rejected it in favor of staying competing for the US. If it helps, both athletes I referred to are no longer competing. I think the best either of them did at the trials was 4th. I also know somebody who made a move to wrestle for another country and he had no problems.
  3. If you drive down Sunset Blvd in Hollywood you'll find all kinds of people who want to wrestle.
  4. I know at least 2 people who rejected wrestling for other countries because of this.
  5. I don't know if it's the same now but Oleg Taktarov once said that guys in the military clubs for wrestling and judo would be incentivized to win by their coaches saying if they didn't win they would get sent to fight in wars going on. Probably Chechnya back then. He gritted out a winning throw on a broken ankle to avoid that.
  6. I like to think of myself as equal opportunity when it comes to that.
  7. He badly injured it carrying his new wife across the threshold.
  8. His name was Eugene Bachemesky or something very Russian. He died a few years ago. He got permanently banned from posting on the old forums. I remember him posting a lot, mainly complaining that his parents moved to the US from Russia and he didn't like it here. He wrestled briefly for Rutgers and some other colleges. He wasn't a superstar or anything. I just remembered stumbling across some old results from the Sunkist Open or NYAC and wondered what he had been up to. Turns out he died.
  9. Larry Langowski did and got a trip to Beijing for it. Also wasn't BIG Russian? Doubt he could prove a family connection to Mexico to get a passport.
  10. Did JC forget to log out of his other profile?
  11. Making the US team is a grind. Not that RBY is afraid of that, but for him with high aspirations, why beat your body up for a possible world championships or Olympics, when you can focus on training for the rest of the world, not just getting through a grueling trials process.
  12. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a67113ed-90d0-458e-8621-5f519d2d34fb
  13. Then we should start anew.
  14. If the person being named ends up being as big a piece of shit as he apparently is being called, I think that people should know that.
  15. They're all the bloody same, aren't they? Born agains say I don't believe in Jesus, so I'll go to hell. Jews say I do believe in Jesus, I'll go to Hell. Catholics say I don't believe in the pope, I'll go to Hell. So any way you look at it, I'm in the shit
  16. At least they got the state right.
  17. George W. Bush is involved with a vast conspiracy of Uniform commercial code "UCC" followers. They're using JLR's copyrighted allcaps name without his consent. The Federal Reserve is a fraud as Federal Reserve notes are backed by nothing of substance. George Bush, Queen of England, Chubby Checker, Dalai Lama, Hillary Clinton, Bloods and Crips of Detroit, trench coat Mafia, Sen. Arlen Spector, Gambino crime family, Sen Trent Lott, and other parties he refuses to name for fear of his safety, through subliminal messaging, RFID tracking devices, radio active chemicals released into the air by United Airline pilots, George Bush was involved with the construction of FCI Williamsburg. However, Bush failed to build an anti UFO defense system around the compound, released staph infection in the prison water system, and sold inmates' personal bonds on the international stock market without their consent. JLR says he is personally subjected to microwave testing on a daily basis. He also says that Bush is committing treason by selling our DNA to the "Hitler Socialist Party". He then goes on to allege that Bush is a "voodoo witch doctor" involved with transforming humans to animals, sometimes plants. Also, FCI Williamsburg has robotic guards made from Bush's NASA partners. He then alleges that the 14th Amendment was not ratified properly. He goes on to say that Bush is a time-traveler who conspired with the Duke of Normandy for the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD. Apparently, George H.W. Bush "is his front father contracted with secret wiccans to pervert American citizens minds via WWW world wide web".
  18. I actually never knew that. Thank you.
  19. He also competed in a knock off show called Battle Dome which was a legit competition but had more of a pro wrestling vibe to it. The "gladiators" all had pro wrestling style characters and had a short lived cross promotion with WCW. Terry Crews was a "gladiator" on that show.
  20. They should have just made the first takedown 3 points.
  21. It isn't drawn/written in crayon. I hope this is acceptable.
  22. Somebody posted it on the old forum. I don't remember who or where but the story was Rich was at a training camp or something for the world team. Might've even been worlds. Anyway one of the coaches comes around and finds Rich in his hotel with 2 girls and yells at him saying "Hey get those girls out of here!" So about an hour later that coach goes to check on Rich again and found him with 2 different girls and he says "Hey you told me to get them out of here". Don't remember the resolution on that.
  23. My wife has a Team USA jacket with this on it. I think it's a pretty cool logo.
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