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Everything posted by JimmyCinnabon

  1. I will let you in on a secret. If my guy wins it's great, if he loses he was hurt.
  2. Yeah. The trick to beating Shapiro is to concuss him. It's smooth sailing from then on. It's the one trick coaches don't want you to know.
  3. With Shapiro losing it looks like a Haines vs Shapiro final is unlikely unless something drastic happens.
  4. Man, Levi is wrestling the best I have ever seen. He majors Robb 8-0. He hasn't given up an offensive point so far and has two TF and a major. I am not sure Shapiro, if he makes it to the finals, has enough for him right now. He is my OW up until this point so far.
  5. I think this one goes to Vito. I don't think Fix can beat either Vito or Crookham, though. The veteran Vito is the exact kind of guy who I think wins when it counts the most even if he goes 1-2 all-time against Crookham.
  6. Beau Bartlett wins the OPW. Outstanding Possum Wrestler. Just when you think he's dead he cradles you.
  7. Stop the sandbagging. Your posts are an embarrassment to this name. Either post in earnest or leave. Actually, just ***ducking** leave.
  8. I have no idea what Tyler Kasak was doing in the third but it looked like someone removed his brain.
  9. Aaron Nagao just isn't good on his feet. He just has no neutral defense and is so limited on offense. He isn't going to hold the starting spot at PSU for long.
  10. The beard can grant magical powers but it seems like he was out of mana.
  11. I'm as big a PSU wrestling fan as there is and I don't think they break the record this year. Everything would have to go perfect and while Cael always has his team peaking at this time I just think a perfect tournament from every guy isn't likely. Penn State wins the team title going away and it will probably be locked up Friday night but my guess is around 150 points.
  12. I have dual monitors in my office so each one will have four mats a piece. Then I have my MacBook Air which will be for forum posting and Trackwrestling mat assignments and brackets. I guess my third laptop can be for work if there is an emergency but I did take the afternoon off today and all day tomorrow so that's doubtful. This is easily my favorite weekend of the entire year! Let's go!
  13. I am aware of who Manning was criticizing. What PSU guys have made clear is that Nick was preparing as if he was going to wrestle and that Cael was giving Nick every opportunity to see if he could go up until the day of the tournament. That is why Nick was training even the day before, to see if he could go at NCAAs.
  14. He is trying to sue people from this forum? Can he start with Jimmy Cinnabon? Maybe for breach of contract? I had to look up what the controversy over this is and I have to say it's an interesting case to say the least.
  15. I’m no Jimmy fan and even though I think making fun of Spencer’s mom is dumb this might be the first Jimmy post that is genuinely clever. A broken clock and all that.
  16. No, PSU won't rule forever and I pointed out that Iowa went through this when they were dominating as well. When PSU is done dominating and if another coach and program comes along and dominates we will heard about how they are destroying the sport, too.
  17. It's amazing, Cael Sanderson is the only coach I hear people complain about eroding the popularity of college wrestling. He wins too much. He gets too many of the best guys. His guys don't wrestle enough matches. Penn State guys have too much fun. And on and on. Your complaint here really just comes off as whiny and bitter. This is par for the course when a program is too dominant. Iowa went through it at one point as well.
  18. I don't have an answer for you. Is it eroding? I think it's only been getting more popular over the last decade. And if it is eroding, well I just don't have an answer for you there. Cael Sanderson certainly is not single handily eroding college wrestling, though.
  19. Their responsibilities lie first with their wrestler and second to their program/university. There is no third here.
  20. You are correct, I did not read it before posting but I read through this thread. After reading the article it doesn't change anything about what I said. The crux of his complaint is that this type of thing goes back to how Suriano was handled, which has been disputed by more than one PSU wrestler who was on the team at the time. This seems like nothing more than Manning really advocating for one of his wrestlers, which is fine for him to do and two it just comes off as sour grapes that his 16-12 guy who placed 9th at the B1G tournament didn't get an at-large. The idea that you seed a guy based on how healthy he is, is absurd. Where is the line here? Does every coach bring in a medical report about each of their wrestlers so it can be included in the seeding? If a guy needs to wear a knee brace or a shoulder brace are they to be seeded lower? You can go back throughout the tournament history and look at guys and say, "they were not even close to 100%" and then start leveling gamemanship accusations at coaches because they didn't walk into the seeding room and tell everyone their guy is hurt and to seed him lower than they normally would. That's just insane, which is 100% what Manning is claiming should happen in that article. Where is Manning's criticism of Tom Brands for not walking into the NCAA seeding room and telling everyone Spencer Lee doesn't have any ACLs so they need to seed him accordingly over the years? Did Tom Brands walk into the seeding room and tell everyone Michael Kemerer barely has two working shoulders and to dump his seed? What about Jayden Eierman two years ago? Of course not because that's insane but it's what Manning would like. When has Manning ever walked into a seeding room and told them to dump the seed of a guy on his team because he's not 100%? Never.
  21. Any NFL head coach can use his players as he sees fit. He can play them one game or seventeen. That's how it works.
  22. Or, and this might sound crazy, the reason that Cael isn't held accountable for these shenanigans that people seem to believe are occurring is that shenanigans aren't happening and there isn't anything to hold him accountable for. Either Cael is getting away with all kinds of shenanigans and nobody is willing to do anything about it (why wouldn't people do something about it)? Or the simple answer in that Cael isn't some devious mastermind of shenanigans that people seem to think he is. And by the way, former PSU wrestler Matt McCutcheon responded to Manning's accusations about Suriano and said Nick was truly making every attempt to wrestle in that NCAA tournament, up to and including the night before the tournament.
  23. The problem is that after he won his third title he said, "excuses are for wussies." And now he is excusing why he didn't win four titles and why he didn't have an Olympic run (other guys who wrestled in college had Olympic runs while in college). I even think these are perfectly legitimate points. Maybe if COVID doesn't happen he would have been a 4xer (we will never know) and maybe that does lead to an Olympic run for him. It's a fair thing to say. It's just that he set the bar at, "excuses are for wussies" a year before he didn't win his fourth title and here we are with him giving us what sounds exactly like excuses. It's really easy to say things like that when you win. If he had never said what he said I think people would look at it differently. These criticisms are of his own making.
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