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Everything posted by JimmyCinnabon

  1. Gabe Arnold is getting taken behind the woodshed and beaten to a pulp by Foca.
  2. That ginormous brace may not allow him the flexibility that makes him special in scrambles. IDK. It's pretty bulky though.
  3. KOT down 0-3 to Norman of Stanford. Now 1-3.
  4. Parco is in trouble. He is hurt. Iowa may not get a trophy.
  5. Smith didn't look good in his first bout either. I am not surprised by this at all. It took him SV to win in round one.
  6. Pinfall on the Resilite!
  7. Wow, Kerk with a large brace on his left knee.
  8. I mean, he just finished easily for another TD.
  9. My brother’s claim to fame is losing in high school to Greg Jones in OT. On a stall point.
  10. Conferences cannot declare someone eligible like this. The NCAA has to do that. The argument that the PAC12 certified him as eligible is a non-argument. It’s meaningless.
  11. I keep seeing people in this thread stating Carter Starocci got special treatment. People keep saying he was given an extra year. Does everyone know that he was not singled out and given an extra year? You do realize that this isn’t a Carter Starocci got an extra year while this kid not right? Because it sure seems like a lot of people don’t get it.
  12. I think Douglas should get 62% of the credit. For both Gable and Cael.
  13. I think the only thing more boring than listening to someone talk about fishing is listening to someone joking about fishing but not really getting into it.
  14. I met him when I was a kid. He was the special guest of honor at my youth wrestling banquet. Swell guy.
  15. I think the only thing more boring than listening to coach speak is listening to someone talk about fishing.
  16. Have you ever watched or listened to a Cael Sanderson interview? It's quite literally the most boring thing you can watch or listen to. He doesn't ever say anything of substance about anything. It's all coach speak.
  17. Don't ever ruin my joke again.
  18. I will wait to see if Carter wins his 5th title and at that point I think it's fair to compare him to the other 5xers to see where he stacks up. He may end up being the best 5x champ we've ever seen. Only time will tell.
  19. I am not arguing that Iowa and Brands didn't underperformed by why are we taking Spencer Lee out of the broader equation here?
  20. 125lbs 1. Lilledahl 2. Ventresca 3. Ramos 4. Figueroa Ramos cannot be #1 after losing to Lilledahl who won the conference. Had Luke not won the conference he'd have a much better argument. Ventresca won his conference so he gets the #2. Ramos has one less loss and finished third like Figs so he gets the #3. However, knowing that you frequently forget about people there could be others you haven't even considered. 141lbs No idea. However, people might hate this take but Bartlett has as solid a claim to the #1 seed as anyone. I know Hardy won the conference but he didn't beat Bartlett to do it. A matter of fact one of his three losses this year is to Bartlett. 141lbs is a mess though.
  21. Everyone always says this but humans will human.
  22. Hardy has three losses though. Including to a guy he’s fighting for the number one seed. You can eliminate Mendez who now has three losses all to BB and Hardy. Andrew Alirez is a former national champ with one loss. In the end I am not sure what they will do.
  23. Caleb Henson is on line one.
  24. I didn’t know we had so many dermatologists on this board.
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