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Everything posted by JimmyCinnabon

  1. The second stall was a joke. The other two were fine. But that second was trash.
  2. People give Starrocci so much crap but most of his TDs are dragging guys back onto the mat because nobody will wrestle him anywhere else.
  3. I’m speechless.
  4. You can only play with fire so many times before you get burned.
  5. My hot take is that MM doesn’t wrestle a single match at B1Gs but wins. His two remaining opponents will forfeit.
  6. Kueter know where in the same range of being strong enough to wrestle Kerk.
  7. Anyone catch what the 1 pt was in the Luffman Feldman match was for?
  8. This is easily Tom Ryan's worst coaching job of his career.
  9. Well that is a relief.
  10. OH MY GOD! Danny B does it!
  11. I don't like that he has a personal vendetta against me but he wouldn't be the first.
  12. Oh thank goodness. Come Gabe we need to see you wrestle Carter.
  13. Why is Gabe Arnold doing this to us?
  14. Oh boy. Danny B giving Kharchla all he can handle!
  15. If you had Carter bending Washington in half you win a Bingo!
  16. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
  17. Yeah maybe he took one look at MM up close and said no?
  18. The Ethen Miller era was fun while it lasted.
  19. Does Marcus Blaze beat Antrell Taylor if his brother can't?
  20. Is the Ethen Miller hype train derailing before our eyes?
  21. Sam Cartella tilting Parco for 4 there. He isn't giving up.
  22. Bartlett looks like he put some extra offense in his coffee this morning.
  23. Lots of hopium being consumed by this guy and my guess is a lot of copium will be consumed around Friday night/Saturday morning.
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