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Everything posted by MizzouFan01

  1. Mauller and Shapiro will/would be awesome to watch. Hope it happens
  2. Tigers vs Mountaineers on Friday followed by Cornell on Sunday. Should be some good matchups if all have full lineups. KOT vs Hall and Ramirez etc. The match with Cornell will be on ESPN+
  3. As long as Askren can pump em out, Mizzou will keep taking them. We’ve not got all of them, but the ones we’ve gotten have been great. Personally, I can’t wait for Sinclair to step on campus.
  4. Heard no Carter or Gomez tonight. Idk why Carter isn’t going, but apparently Gomez is in Mexico.
  5. I would think with the disparity in the weight, unless someone catches fire, that weight will be ignored until later rounds.
  6. As good as Glazier has been, I personally would see Rocky as more than a slight favorite. I would also consider Mocco as a slight favorite over PK. The rest, I agree with.
  7. As much as I don’t want it to happen, I get the feeling all starters won’t wrestle.
  8. Hawkeye report posters are wondering the same. Some expect Angelo to de commit shortly. The dad says they are a package as the family is close. Would Angelo choose to stay at Iowa regardless of what the others do? Same goes for Anthony. Doubtful, but you never know.
  9. Being reported on HR that the Iowa AD said no to AJ Ferrari. Not trying to start rumors because I have no clue if true or not, but I found it interesting.
  10. Sure hope not. As stated, a top 10 recruit, so we know he can wrestle. It’s just a matter of where he fits in the lineup to optimize his abilities. Now it’s on Zeke to figure that out. If he’s not okay with riding the bench and wants to go elsewhere I understand that. I don’t believe that a route anyone wants, but sometimes it’s what is done. Would love to see him do what we all believe he can do for the program and himself.
  11. Is it a case of his poor weight management, or that he’s too big to hold 133 now? I remember Eierman was supposed to hold 133, which he did for a couple matches. I don’t know the details, but after those couple of matches he was up to 141 and Erneste took over 133. Pretty sure that wasn’t what the coaches wanted, and I have no information either way, but I lt seemed to work out. This scenario seems different as we have Edmund at 141 thus no real hole in the lineup. Zeke was a top 10 recruit, you want him at his optimal weight class. Is that 133 or 141, idk.
  12. Thats a good question. I myself had high hopes for him this year. Seems weight management has been an issue. He wrestled 141 at Soldier Salute, losing to Kai Owen of Columbia and Josh Koderhant of Navy. He beat Clay Carlson of SDS en route to a 5th place finish.
  13. Sure didn’t. Mizzou wins 22-17. I’m sure they wanted different results in some of the matches, but VTech is a good team. Great dual overall.
  14. 19-17 Mizzou up. Last match of the night.
  15. KOT bump up?
  16. Not looking great on the Mizzou side. Tech came to wrestle.
  17. He was, but Edmond take the loss 9-8. Tied 6-6 after three matches
  18. Hope he’s better before the season ends. Outside of Harmon who just wrestled 174 at Soldier Salute after being 184 for a couple years, I don’t know who else we have at 74.
  19. As much as I would love to see KOT vs Lewis, I am concerned. Maybe I am way off, but if they are talking of possible bumping, is Mocco not ready to comeback? I don’t see Smith not letting a healthy Mocco wrestler. Lewis won 3-2 in OT their last match so it’s not like Mocco wasn’t right there with him. To take a match away from Mocco when he could see Lewis down the line doesn’t make sense for the purpose of winning duals in my opinion. If Mocco isn’t back 100% I’m all for KOT/Lewis, but not at the expense of someone getting another match with a wrestler they could see later.
  20. I’ve always used CoMo when referencing Columbia Mo. Might be a local/Missouri thing, idk.
  21. Mizzou and Vtech go head to head tomorrow in CoMo. Wonder if O’Toole takes a shot and bumps up to face Lewis. Will be a great dual regardless. Hope both have full lineups.
  22. I was going to bring this up earlier but didn’t. I remember you have said all along you didn’t want anything to do with the two older bros but would take Angelo. Bottom line, they got a second chance and to me, this should cement the fact they can’t get right.
  23. Just not for me. Not really a social media type.
  24. I dont have X or Twitter. Can someone post seeds?
  25. From an interview I recently saw with Pico, forgot who did the interview , he said he’s open to trying to compete for team Mexico if he can’t get a fight soon. Mentioned RBY, Gomez and Valencia as already competing for them. Said if he were to go that route he would most likely have to face Gomez for the spot. Found that interesting that he might make a comeback.
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