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Everything posted by mspart

  1. This is the point. As long as China and India keep on increasing, by way more than other countries are decreasing, it is all for naught. China and India do not suffer, while those that did will as per the above. Innovation will be the key. New technology will also be the key. Creating a siphon to move atmospheric CO2 to the sun or moon is ideal. It should be easy, there is vacuum there and pressure here. Just need a pipe. mspart
  2. Why are we talking about this? Because AOC made this claim to Tony Bobulinski by repeatedly asking TB what specific crime did Joe Biden do? TB is not a prosecutor. But he started going and she argued with him. He didn't say RICO was a crime, but that Joe had broken RICO per the definitiion given by our friend TPT. AOC fought him on that. But of further importance, where is the reporting on this hearing? Where is the reporting on Hunter not attending the public heraring he was scheduled for and fought so hard for? mspart
  3. TPT has again diverted the discussion into something irrelevant. Now we are arguing Captain America instead of the Border Crisis. Let's get back on track. mspart
  4. So we have a SCOTUS justice that sees no issue for government censorship. I think is the key takeaway. mspart
  5. He's got 5 days to announce. mspart
  6. He has collateral as I demonstrated. That is not helping him so that is not the answer. There is no recourse unless he gets the bond. But demonstrably he has the collateral for such a bond. mspart
  7. It starts. What we need to do is figure out how to produce chlorophyll and get it to work for us. Natural carbon capture. mspart
  8. I like Gilman. He has been good for the US at 57. But I'm thinking he is much older, tougher for him to cut weight. If he goes 57, which I think is a no brainer for him because he hasn't done well at 65, I think he will not have stamina. He may not get out of the first round. Now saying that, he will probably face S Lee in the finals. Or Zane. And that would be fantastic. But I'm thinking sucking that much weight will suck the energy right out of him. He has a Oly bronze, a Worlds gold, and two Worlds Silvers. He accomplished but I think this might be too much for him. I would love him to prove me wrong. I think this is Spencer Lee's to lose. mspart
  9. Yesterday was 70. Today 53. CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!! mspart
  10. Ok, I can see what you are saying. But if they fine you more than you are worth, how can you appeal. Seems like a fallacy that's been set up. Not saying Trump's amount is more than he is worth. Agreeing with Off. The properties he has are worth more than 1/2 billion. This is a political minefield to get entangled with. I think that plays heavily into the calculus. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/article/the-definitive-networth-of-donaldtrump/?sh=528bad652a8e This takes into account worth of property, debt he has, and then net worth. Above is net worth of properties. As can be seen easily, he has enough per Forbes in Sep 2023. Therefore there should be no monetary reason he could not get the bond. Other reasons are at play here. mspart mspart
  11. Does Trump not own properties more than sufficient for the bond? There is the collateral. But this is political and I agree with Off that they don't want to inject themselves into that. Is the 450Million fine justified? If it keeps Trump off the ballot yes. If it bankrupts Trump yes. And that folks, is the reason for the unjustified amount levied. To get Trump. Not for what he's done in the business square, but for what he's done in the political square. That is unjustified persecution of a single man for what he represents. This is not blind justice. The judge had it out for him from the beginning. I don't think anyone thought such a heinous levy would be imposed. And to tie appeal to bond is ridiculous. That is unjustified. mspart
  12. What kind of care? Chemical Castration? That kind of care? You are talking about treating normal human beings with treatments meant for real physical maladies. Gender dysphoria is a psychological malady that is best dealt with via counseling, not drugs. Certainly not surgical procedures. What you are saying is that a kid of 13 can make this decision where he/she cannot make the decision to get a gun, get a driver's license, buy alcohol, vote. But why? Because they are not mentally developed enough to make those decisions and that is scientific. But they are definitely mentally developed and mature enough to make this gender decision that if followed through with drugs like this, they will have negative repercussions the rest of their lives. Following these policies does not reduce the amount of counseling needed. In fact it increases it. It doesn't reduce psychological problems. I probably adds to them. The kids need to talk and discuss. Counsel. They don't need to be ruined with barbaric drugs and procedures. That is monstrous. mspart
  13. I told my kids, fractions are easy. Frac baby frac. Fracking is responsible for our abundance of natural gas which has reduced our CO2 emissions tremendously. The US has single-handedly done more to reduce CO2 emissions than anyone else. We still produce a lot, but it is much less than it was. Even if we go to zero, that will not change the world. Is it climate change or global warming? Do they say climate change to hedge bets on a cooling cycle? mspart
  14. I do not think that means what you think it means. mspart
  15. I think what you mean to say is it is projection. mspart
  16. Just what are you saying here TPT? mspart
  17. He provided you the fish. You just need to prepare it and cook it. And you refuse. mspart
  18. Exactly, no one wants to actually fix this because the pain and death and destruction are too real and horrible. So even those with strong convictions on the issue will not want to do what it will take to fix it. I know I don't want to go back to the 1500s. My guess, is there will be some technology developed to handle the situation. mspart
  19. The fact that if Biden had applied and enforced current immigration law, these people wouldn't be here to commit crimes. They shouldn't be here in any event. But they were allowed in and have committed crimes against US citizens. It is not an appeal to emotion. It is an appeal to truth and facts. US immigration law depends on vetting people entering the US. No one is being vetted that crosses the border which is a symptom of the fact that Biden has opted not to enforce border laws and regulations. Why do we have gangs from Central and South America operating in the streets of our big cities. See above. Again, not an appeal to emotion, but to facts and data. The same appeal regarding people who are not prosecuted for crimes but rather let go to go and commit more crimes and in cases kill people. If they had prosecuted and convicted, their future crimes would not have happened. We see this play out all over the country. Woke ideaology has made the streets much more dangerous, not safer. Where would you rather be, Guiliani's NYC (low crime rate) or Adam's NYC (high crime rate)? Enforce the law and avoid unnecessary malignant downstream effects. We know this. We need to do this. mspart
  20. It's not very fun in any of those places. mspart
  21. That would be a good thing. It needs to be eliminated. mspart
  22. Stupid is as stupid does - Forrest's mother. mspart
  23. The fine was a crock. It was designed to do just this. mspart
  24. Is it possible RV was saying no increasing inflation rates? If taxes are raised, deficits go down and no more inflation pressure. Maybe he wasn't talking about tax rates. His main goal is to reduce the deficit. He just wants to go about it by raising taxes more and more and more. He mentions cutting spending only with regard to Defense. He doesn't want to cut any other spending. I am good with 10% across the board spending cuts. That is not enough to erase the deficit but would be a good start. There is no way the government cannot handle 10% real spending cuts. Right now. Then hold those cuts in real money for a few years. That would bring the deficit to zero. No more auto inflation raises. I might make an exception for the VA. But then you have to start making exceptions for every other thing. But I think VA has a special place that should not be touched other than getting rid of waste. mspart
  25. I think you do know what to do about it. But it is too draconian. What to do? Every nation needs be forced to go cold turkey on fossil fuels right now because we have almost gone over the edge if not already of no return. That means no more air conditioning, no more flights, no more cars, no more factories, no more cooking on electric or natural gas, no more computers, no more anything. Back to the 1500's with us. And along with that mass extermination of billions of people due to disease and injury/infection. We must do this now because we don't have enough wind and solar and nuclear power to cover the whole world so the UN will have to shut everyone down. By force. And that will go over really well I'm sure we all can see. So in other words, we do what we can, we can't force anyone else to do anything. And know that our efforts alone are futile in the end. I am sure that our emissions affect the atmosphere. How much I do not know. To affect climate change as much as they say, I don't think so, but I think it is not unreasonable to think that humans have a part in it. 100% part, I don't think so. I guess we need to get into sequestering technologies or converting gaseous CO2 to something solid like C + gaseous O2. Yeah, make diamonds. mspart
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