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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Incorrect. I did vote for him twice. What? Vote for Hillary or Joe? Joe has been just awesome eh! But not interested in Trump anymore. Policies were good, but his constant sniping and D's and Media constant sniping is too much. I don't want that anymore. Too much toxicity and drama. mspart
  2. Yes, I guess so. I just wonder at our team not taking advantage of more competition. I understand injuries are always an issue (Taylor for instance) but World Cup is kind of a deal and yet we do not often see our complete World or Oly team participate. I'm glad it is being held in the US. That's good. mspart
  3. Does Russia just have to quit the war or do they have to do something in addition to that to get their athletes able to compete again? mspart
  4. Putting together warfare and IOC politics was pretty funny. If anyone knows this for sure about 2 years, that would be very interesting. An interesting point about Sidakov not wrestling for Russia for almost 2 years. That would be very interesting if they all went to another country or countries. mspart
  5. Everyone knows me right? mspart
  6. With a nod to the Beattles, daed is naDJN. mspart
  7. Can I be the first to say ENOUGH!! His policies were good for the country for the most part, but his personality and all the drama it brought was not. A lot of that is his fault, with a large amount being the press's fault with false allegations and general negativity towards him. Time for someone else. mspart
  8. Young people are stupid. That is demonstrable. In my day, everyone knew their multiplication tables. Now, they need a calculator. In my day, everyone knew we had 50 states. That is debatable now if you believe man on the street type videos. In my day, everyone knew about the checks and balances built into the Constitution to protect the union. Most young people today don't know the difference between the House and Senate in Congress. They cannot articulate their position on anything, "like you know, I just like feel that way, you know?" They think they are owed something while putting no effort into making it happen for themselves. They think a minimum wage job should provide a living wage rather than being a stepping stone to bigger and better things. We have done them no service by giving them everything they want. They think if they want it it should materialize. Again, JMHO. mspart
  9. That's opening up the discussion!! ,mspart
  10. This is correct. Ectopic pregnancy is one that gets stuck in the Fallopian Tube. It does not expand like the uterus. It almost killed my wife via internal bleeding. She lost have her blood supply. An ectopic pregnancy will not result in a baby and may kill the mother. My wife was unaware she was pregnant when she hemorrhaged. The Dr on call had just gone to a conference and learned how to put the tube back together. He did that for my wife and we had 4 more kids after. This was pretty much unheard of before that time. After this we move to MN and she told her doctor there and he didn't believe her. I guess he didn't go to that conference. mspart
  11. Crime is up because the police have been defunded and prosecutors don't prosecute and city councils are not concerned, and there is a no bail thing going on. So we are not getting these folks off the street. If they are arrested, they are let go quickly after. Hence they re-offend and crime rates go up accordingly. There is no reason not to for these folks. JMHO. mspart
  12. Wow, pretty devastating that was. mspart
  13. That is too funny!!! mspart
  14. I'd like to see this in Seattle. I'd make time to go. mspart
  15. When I was in Istanbul years ago, I was there for 6 weeks. When I started it was roughly 80000 lira to the dollar. When I left, it was roughly 125000 lira to the dollar. That is a 50% inflation in 6 weeks. That was a long time ago. Stuff was generally cheap for a visitor but not for the folks that live there. If you deposited money in dollars at the bank you could get 3% interest. If it was in lira, you got 50% interest or something like that. And that is losing value over time. Just crazy. mspart
  16. This comes to mind. I saw him do this at NCAAs. Gable was hurt and Williams won. mspart
  17. Ah well that explains it then. Keep it close to home. mspart
  18. Been to Belgrade when it was Yugoslavia. Spent a week there. I did not care for it. It is called Beograd there, meaning white city. It might have been a white city at one time but was very drab and run down looking when I was there. Storesfronts were empty and those that were open had few things. I remember a bookseller that had some stuff. I may have bought a book written in Cyrillic just to have one. One memory I have is getting in a taxi to get to a certain place. The map was in our kind of alphabet but the street signs were all in cyrillic. I had no idea where we were going, but got there anyway. They like Cyrillic better because it requires no notations above letters like ours does. Probably not a bad place to go, but twice in a row? Istanbul would have been a better choice. Perhaps they felt Belgrade was safer? I have no idea but it would seem that Turkey or Bulgaria or Las Vegas would have been better venues. mspart
  19. I think the basketball story is a good illustration that the redshirt situation does not just apply to Wrestling, it applies to all sports, Olympic Redshirt excluded perhaps. I think it would be really tough to get FB and BB to agree to anything other than what they have. I sympathize with the effort but don't see much hope. mspart
  20. Snyder bucked the trend. Interesting observation JB. mspart
  21. Good idea even though you only listen to Nickelback. mspart
  22. They are either stupid or don't care which is the same. But Churchill once reportedly said if a young person isn't a liberal they have no heart, if an older person is not conservative, they have no brain. Or words to that effect. mspart
  23. Oregon is under the same deal. Their gov did not run but she was the worst and a D. D has seemingly won the gov race this year but it was very close and should give someone pause before going full leftist, which is probably what she will do. It's not just Michigan that is seemingly crazy. You might remember Portland during 2020, riots every night for the whole summer. The mayor of Portland did nothing by coddle them and the governor did absolutely nothing. As a result, Portland is half boarded up now. A shell of the beautiful city it once was. Remember not so long ago it was one of the most livable cities. Not anymore. mspart
  24. Where is Taylor, Cox, Dake, Retherford, and Gilman? I really do not like when guys miss this kind of opportunity. I see that Zahid is wrestling for us so rumors he is going to Mexico that I've read about seem unfounded at this time. It might happen but hasn't yet. Good for those who have chosen to participate, world team or no. I think any such opportunity is a great step in progress for anyone. I wish I could be there. United States Men’s Freestyle World Cup Team 57 kg - Zane Richards, Champaign, Ill. (Illinois RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 57 kg - Nick Suriano, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Cliff Keen WC) 61 kg - Seth Gross, Madison, Wis. (Wisconsin RTC/Sunkist Kids) 61 kg - Daniel DeShazer, Minneapolis, Minn. (Gopher WC RTC) 65 kg - Yianni Diakomihalis, Rochester, N.Y. (Spartan Combat RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 65 kg - Evan Henderson, Bethlehem, Pa. (Lehigh Valley WC/Titan Mercury WC) 70 kg - Tyler Berger, Philadelphia, Pa. (Pennsylvania RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 70 kg - Alec Pantaleo, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Cliff Keen WC/Titan Mercury WC) 74 kg - Jason Nolf, State College, Pa. (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC) 74 kg – Vincenzo Joseph, Tempe, Ariz. (Sunkist Kids) 79 kg - Jordan Burroughs, Philadelphia, Pa. (Pennsylvania RTC/Sunkist Kids) 79 kg - Chance Marsteller, New Park, Pa. (NYC RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 86 kg - Zahid Valencia, Tempe, Ariz. (Sunkist Kids) 86 kg - Mark Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. (Pennsylvania RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 92 kg - Nathan Jackson, Princeton, N.J. (New Jersey RTC/New York AC) 92 kg - Jay Aiello, Charlottesville, Va. (Cavalier WC/Titan Mercury WC) 97 kg - Kyle Snyder, State College, Pa. (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC) 97 kg - Kollin Moore, Columbus, Ohio (Ohio RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 125 kg - Hayden Zillmer, Minneapolis, Minn. (Gopher WC RTC) 125 kg -Nick Gwiazdowski, Ithaca, N.Y. (Spartan Combat RTC/Titan Mercury WC) mspart
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