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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. I'm the man to go to here. I don't count 2020 "AA,,'s" so I actually count 13. None of the above.
  2. Another who gets enraged over those struggling with dementia and disabilities. Aren't you the genius who mocked a person with an intellectual disability last night? I thought so. Good job! You're better than those who have challenges! What a badass!
  3. I meant our usage of it in the Bible as, "The Golden Rule" and what it means within a Christian context is what I meant by it being a Christian construction. I don't want to take the OP's initial question into the weeds, so I'll back out of it. It's a good conversation for spiritual and religious folks.
  4. Thanks for yis shallow "concerns," but as Steve Forbert says, " all in all my wheels are mainly on the track."
  5. Thanks for the English "lesson." Mes be sure to code that baby into memory. I know it's in vogue right now for folks like you to mock and get driven into blind rages over those with disabilities and dementia, but keep in mind that your audience likely have loved ones stricken with one of those conditions.
  6. Stephen Miller. He was recruited AMD hired specifically because of his white power activism, particularly regarding immigration. Endless emails were released documenting his affiliation with such groups as well as his views. I almost forgot Adolf Bannon. Long history of espousing white power views.
  7. Just because of my educational background and occupation, I always have red flags go up when we speak of univesals across cultures. They rarely happen and when they do they are very broad. We can't really accurately say that the Golden Rule exists across all cultures. It simply doesn't, and is a Christian construction.
  8. Wowza! Word for word from the mantra. I believe the ignore button is now in order.
  9. Why does anyone need a cue when someone has lost an argument!? I just present the facts vis a vis the other presenting no facts and I know who won. Same when I'm wrong.
  10. I appreciate your point, but that wouldn't be exactly correct.
  11. True. I did overcook some beef kabobs last weekend though that bordered on inedible.
  12. I'm sooprised that my culture isn't tediously cancelled again, so before I am permenantly cancelled, I have a question. If I've burnt all of my bridges and no one wants to help, then maybe toughen up a little bit and don't let disagreements hurt you so much. Here goes. How long does the chuck roast take to smoke? Going to try it tomorrow.
  13. You don't know me. We have a close family and we all love one another. Here's saying that you can't say that, can you?
  14. You don't know me. There are a few on here who've met me in person. I'm very well liked, as long as you don't antagonize me, as you see here. It's why I'm biting back.
  15. I'm disappointed I'm not already cancelled, freedom lover!
  16. Nothing more funny than a disabled person, eh, innate?!
  17. He owes nothing. Never did, and still not today. Bob's own words in this thread illustrates that we didn't agree on terms.
  18. Thanks for demonstrating in your own words that we didn't agree on the same conditions and terms. In court, yous would be toast with that testimony, my friend! I would have plead the 5th, like our inmate candidate did over 440 times in one day!
  19. Precisely. I appreciate someone who doesn't allow a twenty year grudge to prevent him from actually carefully reading the transcript and noticing the blatant omission in all of it: the final conditions of the bet were never determined nor agreed upon. Thanks for your honesty.
  20. Deplorable. Ah, yes, that term so completely misinterpreted by three 30 percenters that I use it as classroom material to illustrate how critical thinking lacks.
  21. You side with white power groups? Even if you don't, your views match.
  22. Always love the focus of you circle jerks. "So, ah, what a-bout UFO's?" I blame Obama and Hunter Biden!
  23. Nice to see that we don't have drinkers among us, eh, friends?
  24. Says stormfront too. Sieg!
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