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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. That the global temperature has been rising? Just a wild guess, but what do Akaskans who live off the land know, eh?
  2. It's a Constitutional fact. If the Vice President/ "vice president"/ doesn't agree with an election result, they hold the sole right to not certify that election. That Constitutional fact should protect Biden's victory.
  3. I can't speak to that. I only know that they say that the weather is different today.
  4. Alaskans who live off the land disagree.
  5. Too bad we's so woke today, eh? Back in the good 'ol days, we done did know what to do with people who had them there brain diseeses, eh?!
  6. Wow...
  7. We know how Hitler solved that problem, don't we? Our little secret.
  8. ...Biden really can't lose the election. I didn't know this until 2020, but the Vice Presiden/"vice president" has full Constitutional authority to over rule electors. So, if Biden should "lose, " we ALWAYS know that there is this Constitutional safeguard to legally keep the office.
  9. Good evening, friends.
  10. Lookie at these duped MSM idyuts!? Derned dreamcatchers they used!
  11. As were these for one or two years. We was trans even in the late 70's, folks!
  12. Where I came from, these babies were next level, and you were no one without them.
  13. . Or, he may have been coached to not fall into a perjury trap.
  14. Disregard. Feel free to delete.
  15. I'm not the sharpest blade in the drawer, but this test should verify mes hunch.
  16. Looks like yet another asinine original post from Jiminy to me! Man, that guy is INTOLERABLE! (Good post, Jiminy).
  17. FIFY. Most honest legal scholars say otherwise. And this is coming from someone who thinks the Clintons are weasels.
  18. My understanding is that they have been acknowledging that for Hunter regarding weapons and taxes, but not Joe. That's at least from what I've heard people say.
  19. Tell me where I missed this, but if all of these allegations occurred while he was Vice President, how is he potentially being impeached as the current President for "wrongdoings" from years prior?
  20. That ship sailed LONG ago, and probably too late for that kind of "discussion.". We decided to go down the road of incessant stupidity twenty or more years ago regarding who to blame.
  21. As I said before, he uses a scale to determine it, but, more importantly, he doesn't define "left wing" and "right wing" as you and the authors of this non-peer reviewed study depict it. If you don't have that fundamental understanding of Altemeyer's research for decades, you're going to miss the point, which is what happened with you and these other non-peer reviewed researchers. Read his research, then feel free to post a retort.
  22. Spelling- nor grammar, for that matter- isn't a strong suit either, eh?
  23. More "logic" at its best. WOWZA!
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