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Everything posted by nick

  1. Unrelated but related, those ugly slugs bother me, work on your pretty routing Flo
  2. They were competitive with Bellarmine this year, coming down to the last match. With both programs transitioning to D1, good measuring stick. I’m a fan of Lindenwood, I went to Lindenwood-Belleville when it was still a thing
  3. To me, the biggest thing is flights and hotels need to be reasonable
  4. Indy would be an amazing host - downtown is built for hosting events and everything is super walkable. The state tournament is held at Gainbridge (where the Pacers play) and in general the area is used to hosting big events (Super Bowl, NBA All Star Weekend, etc..). It's centrally located (two hours from Cincy, Louisville, 3h from Chicago, 3.5h from STL, 4h from Nashville) for folks driving in, and the airport is pretty decent in terms of cheap flights. Tons of hotels downtown and in the surround suburbs as well. Now my ultimate dream would be Louisville hosting it at the YUM Center, but we still have some ways to go in hotels downtown (better than Tulsa, but not as good as Indianapolis)
  5. De'Alcapon Veazy will be a good pickup (currently at 39 on Flo's Big Board) Hasn't had the best luck at state yet, but has really good national results
  6. https://newrestle.com/2021/03/12/uno-wrestling-still-lives-on-10-years-after-the-program-has-been-dropped/ https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/6922111-destruction-of-a-dynasty-the-bombshell-that-rocked-uno-wrestling
  7. Totally missed that topic - ignore!
  8. For Puerto Rico, you need to have parents or grandparents that were born in Puerto Rico Some background on that, "in 2018, 64 percent of all Puerto Ricans lived in the 50 states and in the District of Columbia, while the remaining 36 percent lived in Puerto Rico", which leads to other issues about identity... Not sure how other countries' folks see it, but in PR's case I'm all for it
  9. https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTNDmKu7JO/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  10. Coach Shuck and Coach Hardy on Stalesmates while at the NCAAs in Tulsa
      • 2
      • Fire
  11. Countryman stepped down, not sure if Sinkovics was fired or also resigned Countryman later became a coach at an Alabama HS, and as far as I can tell is still listed as the coach (even after the lawsuit was announced). For Sinkovics, I know he came back home to Indiana, not sure if he is doing any coaching but I haven't seen anything recently if he was.
  12. Personal plug, MTC Storm has four athletes competing https://mtcstorm.com/four-storm-athletes-to-compete-in-denmark/
  13. McKendree has been one the last few years (granted Coach Schmitz left) For NAIA, Grandview, Life, Jamestown are some good ones I’ve heard in the rumor mill Bellarmine is trying very hard to start one soon…
  14. I would assume Ramos wouldn't leave Purdue - he has a good thing going with Leroy Vega in his corner and A.J. Schopp to work with in the room (the Vega thing is huge)
  15. Bellarmine picked up wins over teams they lost to last year (VMI, Davidson The Citadel) and won the NCWA national title - even in losses this year, they felt a lot closer. Recruiting is picking up and Coach Shuck is making headways locally with the Knights RTC For a new program, I would say its trending upwards
  16. The state of Indiana gets the HWT titles for D3, D2, and with Mason’s win, D1
  17. I watched Presbyterian's Malcolm Wiley at the Bellarmine/Presbyterian dual the other day - he was super impressive, the best overall wrestler during the dual.
  18. NBA All Star Game is in Indy next year on the same weekend
  19. Yea, while I would always prefer an Indy venue over anything else, I’ll take the Ford Center - it’s modern and since we already go there for semi state, it’ll just be a continuation more or less But would suck for folks out in Chicagoland or Ft Wayne, having to make that drive
  20. In Indiana, it’s currently listed as emerging status and will become a full sport once the numbers hits a certain amount. Once that happens girls will not be able to compete against boys (currently they can) There has been pushback in the community by folks that have high level girls and believe they will no longer have good competition. But it has to happen to grow the sport at the HS level - for instance I can’t get an additional girls coach stipend, my district said no until it reaches full sport status. Our girls team had 11 kids on it (we had a state champ at hwt this year) and no additional coaches so it’s hard for us to do right by everyone
  21. I call it the Little Caesars line - every pizza gets judged by is it better than a $5 Little Caesar’s pizza (so taste + cost) One of my favorite moments from NCAAs in Detroit was getting Little Caesar’s in Little Caesar’s Based on that, Jet’s is by far at the top for fast franchise pizza. Papa John’s is also above that line. I can’t put Dominos above that line, it always just feels smaller and not as good.
  22. My view for the finals! Now we get to see where it goes next year (I’ve booked refundable rooms in Evansville already)
  23. Thank you! Didn’t go the way we wanted it to go but battled out there and hopefully inspired my HWT to get there next year Man, the younger Thrine - wow! Taking out Frazier and just dominant the entire time Leighton Jones getting the title was great to see - super nice kid and always super respectful
  24. For me in duals, don’t allow phones out on the bench and you have to be cheering and involved. No leaving to see parents and all matches are recorded in MatBoss so no reason for phone. For tournaments, you do you. Odds are it’s on Track and I’m not gonna tell you when your up so you’ll need your phone for that and I typically bring two full teams to tournaments so no way I could even manage any sorta rule there (we bring our B and JV teams to tournaments in Kentucky while varsity wrestled in Indiana) For the varsity kids, we will do team meetings between rounds to go over stuff but that’s about it
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