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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. “he doesn’t support ethnic cleansing. he just thinks israel should take over the land and deport all the arabs.” the stupidity is breathtaking. almost as good as the data for progress thing lol
  2. He explicitly endorsed ethnic cleansing. He says it’s the only solution. “the only way this ends mildly stable is if Israel takes over the entire strip and the Palestinians transation to other muslim nations”
  3. Willie on the record as pro ethnic cleansing. A refreshing amount of honesty compared to the rest of you cowards. Still disgusting though.
  4. It would be better if you all would just come out and say you support ethnically cleansing Gaza. The way you talk about Palestinians makes it clear you don’t think they’re capable of peaceful, human behavior, so why pretend you don’t think Israel should wipe them off the map?
  5. The majority of Gaza were toddlers or not yet born the last time Hamas got “elected” with 44% of the vote.
  6. who funded Hamas to to start and brought them to power?
  7. It’s a disingenuous question, but I’ll answer. A political solution wouldn’t involve Israel just packing up and leaving. It would involve both sides making concessions. Hamas would have to agree to halt any attacks and commit to an open election supervised by the UN (remember, only a small fraction of Gazans have ever voted for Hamas). Israel would commit to ending the blockade of Gaza, ending the illegal settlements in the West Bank, and pull the IDF out of Palestinian territory. You’d likely need a one time blanket amnesty for war crimes for Hamas/PIJ militants, Israeli Settlers, and IDF brass. It would be essential for the international community to pour trillions into Palestine to rebuild their infrastructure and economy.
  8. what’s the definition of insanity?
  9. One way to deal with Hamas is to take away their reason for being: to oppose the brutal Israeli occupation. Hamas is in power because all peaceful avenues have failed. As long as the occupation continues, there will always be resistance and stochastic terror.
  10. Murdering journalists doesn’t keep Israeli’s safe.
  11. perfect summation of how self-defeating this slaughter is.
  12. teasing this out, what is the purpose of this hoax? who is doing it and what are they trying to accomplish?
  13. every accusation is projection
  14. no they aren’t. and nobody was firing rockets from the other hospital either.
  15. you realize that 99% of the scientific papers on this subject disagree with those findings right? why don’t you value those the same way?
  16. you can't even keep your propaganda straight lol
  17. yeah those greedy scientists all simultaneously selling out for *thousands* in grant money. those oil companies with trillions on the line? those are just brave truth tellers with all our best interests in mind.
  18. Meanwhile, Israel is declaring its intention to bomb Gaza's largest hospital where an estimated 50,000 Palestinians are sheltering. They *think* Hamas is operating beneath the hospital. Praying they don't strike the hospital.
  19. When it contradicts the general consensus of the scientific community, yes.
  20. Quick google search shows this dude has been paid by the fossil fuel industry his whole career lmao. He's also a shill for tobacco companies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Milloy "Milloy's career has been spent denying the results of science that government agencies rely on for protecting the public. His close financial and organizational ties to tobacco and oil companies have been the subject of criticism, as Milloy has consistently disputed the scientific consensus on climate change and the health risks of second-hand smoke."
  21. yeah, i'm running interference for hamas on intermatwrestle.com. get real buddy
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