Yeah, Hamas was definitely hiding its guns in the room with the giant magnet that would destroy them.
If this is all they found, you should be ashamed. This is not a command center like they claimed when they broke international law to bomb it. The raid has been a total bust for the Israelis.
Western medical workers have been screaming that this command center thing was a lie and nobody listened.
Gaza's economy is controlled by Israel. This is the dumbest criticism ever. Israel controls everything that legally flows into Gaza and greatly restricts it.
This isn't going to happen. That's the problem. Killing thousands of innocent civilians to kill a few Hamas fighters only strengthens Hamas' position. There is no indication that Israel is capable of eliminating Hamas.
Nobody is arguing that Hamas is good. The best way to "eliminate" them is to undercut their reason for being. Show the Palestinians that a political, nonviolent solution is possible. Otherwise, we're going to keep doing this until the Israeli's kill all the Palestinians.
What's your ideal endpoint for this situation? Mine is for Palestinians and Israelis to share the land peacefully, like they've done in the past. Whether that's one state, two states, no states, I don't care.
What do you want to happen?
Yeah, there's a bunker under Al-Shifa. We know that because Israel built it in 1983. There is no evidence that it was being used a command center, hostages were held there, etc....
We'll see what the IDF tries to pass off as evidence. The fact they are refusing to show it right now should make you suspicious.
The raid on Al-Shifa has failed to produce evidence for Israel's claims of a Hamas command center located in the hospital. Maybe all the western medical workers who have worked there for years weren't lying when they said they've never seen Hamas?
informative interview with a former israeli peace negotiator. he lays out the political context around Hamas’ rise. notably the PA in the west bank struck a deal with israel and cooperated with security. in the time since, illegal settlements have exploded and the west bank quality of life deteriorates.
israel punished the palestinians for cooperating and we’re surprised the people in gaza put their hopes in Hamas?
strategies can be evil. you're so insecure in your defense of israel that you have to project evil intentions on anybody who doesn't think bombing gaza is the right response.
hopefully they don't bomb the evacuation route like they've been doing. probably why they're waving the white flags. and hopefully, they don't continue to bomb the safe zones like they've been doing. very good that civilians are getting out of north gaza.
however, will they be allowed to return after the war? if not, what you're seeing isn't an evacuation. it's ethnic cleansing. that is extremely important. israel must allow people to return to their homes if they so choose.