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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. No, he happens to actually know what he's talking about.
  2. What are you complaining about? China reformed their economy in the 70's and 80's to look more like ours. They reformed their collective farming, opened up for foreign investment, allowed private business enterprise and privatized quite a bit of their government services. That's why they have billionaires now and tons of private business. You guys should be cheering them on. They're one of the most successful capitialist reformation projects in history. This is like when people think Russia is still a communist country because it was 50 years ago.
  3. There are already millions of Palestinian refugees living in surrounding countries. Estimated 1.5 million of those live in refugee camps. They won't let all of them in because they don't want to be the state that aids Israel in ethnic cleansing Palestine.
  4. Add @Offthemat to team ethnic cleansing
  5. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea would like a word with you.
  6. What's this called?
  7. Why would Hamas kill their own hostages? They're dying as collateral in Israeli strikes.
  8. Who is burning them alive? The released hostages have said they were treated well in captivity. The ones dying right now are due to Israeli strikes.
  9. you are a psycho lol
  10. Biden is a longtime Israel ally. It's a major reason he ended up as VP. The Israeli lobby was very uneasy with Obama and choosing Biden put them at ease.
  11. how many times are you going to keep saying that lie?
  12. if a gunman was holding your child hostage as a human shield, would you be okay with police shooting them both?
  13. human shields don’t justify killing civilians. israel chooses to indiscriminately bomb civilian housing knowing the vast majority of casualties will be civilians, half of which are children. as you all point out, hamas is in the tunnels. israel can say it doesn’t target civilians all it wants. actions speak louder than words.
  14. Israeli’s. the difference between us is that i condemn hamas when they do it and you don’t condemn Israel when they do it and kill 20x as many people. two wrongs don’t make a right.
  15. yeah @WrestlingRasta there are dead children and war crimes to justify. @Offthemat can’t just take a week off.
  16. and you fantasize about lifeless Palestinian children. you smile every night knowing that a Palestinian child is suffocating under the rubble. see we can both make up lies about the other. if you knew how to google, you’d know that “israel taking over the strip and palestinians moving to other arab countries” is as clear cut an example of ethnic cleansing as you get.
  17. That’s fine. It doesn’t change the fact willie advocated for ethnic cleansing. you can weasel all you want. it’s what he said.
  18. you are genuinely unbelievable. the only one with a bias here is the guy going “actually when he said the only way this works is if all the Palestinians leave, he meant on their own accord with no threat or coercion from the government who’s currently bombing them.” also you left out “Israel takes over the entire strip” kind of the key part. i’m sure you forgot to include that on accident go back to trying to figure out the difference between data for progress and progress.org
  19. You didn’t you moron. Willie did. That’s what we’re talking about. Honest question, can you actually read?
  20. The amount of times you idiots have gone “they’re not committing war crimes, they’re [describes textbook war crime]” is astounding.
  21. What are you talking about? That is the literal definition of ethnic cleansing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing “Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, and religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal, extermination, deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction.”
  22. Willie: “the only way this gets solved is if they ethnically cleanse Gaza” these clowns: “he doesn’t support ethnic cleansing. stop lying” lmao
  23. If in the process of targeting Hamas, they forcibly remove 2 million Palestinians from their land, that’s ethnic cleansing. It doesn’t matter if you think they did it for a good reason.
  24. “the only way this ends mildly stable is if Israel takes over the entire strip and the Palestinians transation to other muslim nations” this is, by definition, ethnic cleansing.
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