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Everything posted by jross

  1. The international and college forums are on my local hard drive currently (1GB). It will take more time and energy than desired to publish in navigational form. I'll see about posting zips on a cloud share after Christmas with notes on interacting with it. Will share the other forums if I have them.
  2. Yes and we both think the other largely provides weak evidence.
  3. It's Eddie Vedder's birthday, according to Twitter trends. I switched on the Vedder tunes and heard 'Man of the hour' from The Big Fish. Excellent movie, by the way. Listen to the song and be grateful for your parents.
  4. LastPass users will want to read this security incident. An attacker was able to collect information about LP users but is unable to do much with it unless they crack your master password. If you are following best practices, your account should be safe. https://blog.lastpass.com/2022/12/notice-of-recent-security-incident/
  5. If you missed it, the late senator posted content from my account. That was his work saying, 'hello jross!'
  6. Scott Adams is a smart man that is left of Bernie and Libertarian on social issues. These are interesting takes.
  7. ...deflection You are smart. You have a successful daughter wrestler. My daughter is just getting into the sport as a sophomore in high school. We both love wrestling. I have a different perspective than you on non-wrestling topics. I am trying to talk with you so that I can understand and learn a different perspective on non-wrestling topics. I also wish to share my perspective and perhaps you would understand and learn as well. It is difficult to understand and learn in conversations like this one: JR: Statement "Biden lies" Responsible response: "Yes Biden lies" or "No Biden does not lie" or "Yes, but he has these good qualities" ... MP: Attack JR "Okay little buddy" MP: Divert attention from Biden to Trump "veracity statements article link."
  8. That moron Moran from Kansas voted for the 1.7T.
  9. I don't see these lawsuits going anywhere under the current law. The law will change.
  10. Spit some fire! Five words. "Montreal Screwjob" (1997 wrestling event) 2009 St. Louis NCAA Meltdown Greco, more dignified than freestyle
  11. Here are a few. https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/lbpggnrqqpq/trump-twitter-opening-brief-2022-11-14.pdf https://libertycenter.org/cases/ohandley-v-padilla/ https://vashiva.com/first-amendment-twitter-galvin-lawsuit/#Ayyadurai-v-Twitter-Et-Al https://www.theverge.com/2021/9/9/22661626/texas-social-media-law-hb-20-signed-greg-abbott There are more.
  12. It is never too late to change that deflection behavior if you want to put in the effort.
  13. Lawsuits are the not the point. They are already out there BTW -- well before this recent disclosure of direct evidence of behavior.
  14. True at first about the NI! But when I see the aliens take their human mask off on video and run away when confronted... I'm going to look past the NI being NI and pay attention to what the aliens did on video. PV takes underhanded action to expose terrible behavior. I wish they targeted the right as much as they do the left. I care a great deal more that censorship stops than I do whether there are consequences of possible perjury.
  15. It is not proven but appears likely. Those in power will go hunting to prove it... nothing will happen as nothing ever does.
  16. Not a criminal example, just taking a moment to poke into character flaws. Not comparing to others... just pointing out that Biden lies all the time... some whoppers are bigger than others. Back when this guy could speak clearly, he was full of it. Biden did not attend Syracuse Law School on a “full academic scholarship.” It was a half scholarship based on financial need. He didn't finish in the “top half” of his class. He was 76th out of 85. He did not win the award given to the outstanding political science student at his undergraduate college, the University of Delaware. He didn’t graduate from Delaware with “three degrees,” but with a single B.A. in political science and history.
  17. The first action has already occurred. The swamp was cast out of Twitter. There should be a bipartisan proposal to regulate big tech. This censorship must stop occurring now and future. Transparency. Audits. Laws.
  18. Citing sources of lies, censorship, and manipulation to amplify social views of Democratic views while suppressing those on the right. I believe this was part of the plan to win the presidency because it was admitted as much. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/ Core of complaint. I share the concern of Twitter Chinese employee that said Censorship destroys public conversation. The First Amendment in the U.S.A. exists specifically to prevent the government from silencing the people. Evidence https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1602365655595962368 Here we had a publicly owned company running a digital town square that connects millions of people. Evidence https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/18/tech/what-if-twitter-dies/index.html Jack's opening discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41P9cbaWiBc It's been proven repeatedly that people conform to the people around them. "You are who you hang out with" is a well-known saying. Evidence Asch Conformity Experiment - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDDyT1lDhA People will deny what they see and conform See also: Milgram Experiment The company lies to the public. They lie in court. They say they are not doing the things they are accused of doing around censorship. Evidence Claims: We don't shadow ban - https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2018/Setting-the-record-straight-on-shadow-banning Misc. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41P9cbaWiBc We do not censor conservatives We believe it is dangerous to regulate speech Mr. Doyle - Are you censoring people? Jack - "No" Mr. Doyle - You are shadow-banning prominent Republicans? Is that true? Jack - "No" Evidence Blocking content from trending - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FjfvHVFVsAAydKR.jpg Blocking from search results - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FjfvoMhVQAE6ho5.jpg Do not amplify - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FjfwWDEVEAAqIBA.jpg The Twitter files: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1598822959866683394.html The Twitter files supp: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1600243405841666048.html Secret exclusion lists: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601007575633305600.html Removing Trump Jan6: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601352083617505281.html Removing Trump Jan7: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601720455005511680.html Removing Trump Jan8: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1602364197194432515.html The FBI Subsidiary: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1603857534737072128 The FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1604871630613753856.html Later it comes out that not only was this company censoring information, the government was paying them to do so. Evidence https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604908670063906817/photo/1 Beyond foreign, this was domestic psychological warfare. Evidence https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1605292454261182464.html I believe millions of people, myself included, were influenced to think a certain way because of censorship. Censorship to silence people with certain speech, to gaslight them, and to amplify other social views is anti-American. The Twitter files are remarkable. It exposes unacceptable behavior that many people were unaware of and that smart people cannot believe is true. It does not matter who is breaking the story because the screenshots of emails are stand-alone evidence of facts.
  19. The behavior of Twitter and the Government was dangerous and wrong! Legal or not, it is outrageous.
  20. Seriously? Your brain may refuse to consume what the Twitter files show. It happens to me all the time when first looking at content that I'm not ready to listen to.
  21. The leftists are getting my flack because they are not condemning the behavior. Anyone on the right doing this is equally dangerous and awful.
  22. Core of complaint. I share the concern of Twitter Chinese employee that said Censorship destroys public conversation. The First Amendment in the U.S.A. exists specifically to prevent the government from silencing the people. Here we had a publicly owned company running a digital town square that connects millions of people. It's been proven repeatedly that people conform to the people around them. "You are who you hang out with" is a well-known saying. The company lies to the public. They lie in court. They say they are not doing the things they are accused of doing around censorship. Later it comes out that not only was this company censoring information, the government was paying them to do so. Beyond foreign, this was domestic psychological warfare. I believe millions of people, myself included, were influenced to think a certain way because of censorship. Censorship to silence people with certain speech, to gaslight them, and to amplify other social views is anti-American. The Twitter files are remarkable. It exposes unacceptable behavior that many people were unaware of and that smart people cannot believe is true. It does not matter who is breaking the story because the screenshots of emails are stand-alone evidence of facts.
  23. Look at the warring here. Leftists are blocking contributors. They are not 'winning' with logic in their editorial comments. There are these people that act like "if we 'discredit' the company, then we can deflect accountability from the outrageously wrong behavior they keep showing in videos." https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Project_Veritas&action=history&dir=prev
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