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Everything posted by jross

  1. In honor of inmate po1135809, I have once in a lifetime investment opportunity. If the inmate wins, the resale on this will be Yuge. $15 today; $1500 once full of tears in 2024. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1186173641/flag-tear-bottle
  2. Poverty is when you don't have enough (money) to take care of your needs. Now, you can define poverty as whatever you want... so what's your definition? If you can define it well enough, perhaps the solution will be self-evident on how to address it.
  3. Why don't you define it for me and I'll confirm.
  4. Go deeper. If I lose every dollar, I will not choose violence. Why is that?
  5. It is complex. Generally speaking, Marcus was correct that 'poverty is the mother of crime' and Martin was correct that 'The time has come for an all-out world war against poverty' and 'The rich nations must use their vast resources of wealth to develop the underdeveloped, school the unschooled, and feed the unfed.' More specifically, what is the correlation between violent crime and poverty? Why is there a 10x difference in violent crime across social groups in poverty? Is 'soft on violent crime' acceptable? ***duck duck goose** no. How is the city, state, and federal government going to address this? Hint: it is not through deflection and excuses. Any sane person would say 'We have a problem with violence in the city; let's fix it.' Let's start by hard-policing these bad blocks (now) while addressing the culture and opportunities (40 years). We'll have support from the state and the Fed.
  6. The profile pic communicates "This is bullshit" and "I will fight this." Trump will get more votes in 2024 than in 2020 and still lose.
  7. And read this article that counters with the obvious... https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/report/the-blue-city-murder-problem
  8. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." The articles I found making claims like yours (https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-red-state-murder-problem) use data at the State level. They inadequately filter at the county level, don't show their data, etc., to support their misleading statements. Fact left out: 27 of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in 2022 had Democratic mayors. For specificity, we need the city block areas where the bulk of violent crime occurs. Logically most of these dangerous blocks will fall into the above cities. I knew this was bullshit from the headline. There are a few blocks that are dangerous in urban areas. There is nowhere that I fear for my safety in rural areas. After you read https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/report/the-blue-city-murder-problem, let us know what sources support your statement.
  9. Remember when Twitter didn't allow discussion on THE GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION? X is better.
  10. Sympathy for the criminal is treason to the victim
  11. The rich men north of Richmond are the politicians in D.C. ...
  12. @Fadzaev2 you gave yourself away on the old forum in the early topic discussions…
  13. My favorite part of the J6 speech is where he used coded language violence. I believe the election was rigged through media manipulation, suppression polls, bribery, and ballot harvesting. I didn't need Trump to tell me. 2020 was not the "most secure election in history." Under this belief, I have a different perspective on some of his behavior.
  14. I’m somebody. If you followed Twitter before the acquisition, you would understand how much better X is.
  15. Remember when you couldn’t talk about this on Twitter? X is better.
  16. 5% chance that the republican nominee wins 2024. More scams coming.
  17. Meta and Alphabet logos are lame.
  18. Undeclared wars, election interferences, censorship, assignations, and so on. History class fails to talk about semi current events and makes everyone out to be heroes in previous generations.
  19. It lies to the public and has for decades. 30 years ago it was already known that the CIA and other agencies were the fourth branch of government that determine our policies and what we and congress need to know about them.
  20. If Biden runs again, I will vote for the Orange man in the orange jumper.
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