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Everything posted by jross

  1. I don’t know what you are arguing about. Many doctors take the position that I described and I support the treatment.
  2. I follow the thinking that the dr performs an ectopic procedure with the goal to save the life of the mother and the unborn. The unborn normally dies from the procedure and the mother is normally saved. This is different than an abortion where the intent is to kill the unborn. Regardless of the intent behind how the unborn dies, it is a woman’s right to choose her immediate physical survival first.
  3. I cannot comprehend that anyone believes it is a women's right to choose to kill a healthy, viable baby with the dismemberment procedure known as Dilation and Evacuation. There damn well should be some regulation concerning the nuanced situation where abortion is tolerable.
  4. For clarity, women could still get abortions in Kansas regardless of whether the amendment passed or failed. And that is not what the media told us.
  5. The people in the media, phone texts, and my Facebook community stated the vote was to ban abortion (the lie) when it was about allowing lawmakers in the state to regulate abortion.
  6. Err... meant for my comments to be on the young voters are stupid discussion. See, I'm stupid too!
  7. The post is about young people being stupid for voting Democrat. And it's funny because the Democrats also call young people stupid while pandering to them. I call bullshit both ways and vote for who I think is best rather than on party lines. This economy sucks, and it impacts everyone I know. Stupid people are talking about stupid things that are not an immediate priority (trans kids) and believing lies that global comprehensive abortion laws will be here tomorrow. These young people think Republicans are stealing their rights while ignoring that the Democrats are the vax fanatics that restricted everybody in the nation. I didn't vote forever because what does it matter when I'm in a state like Kansas that always votes red? But my vote matters, and I vote.
  8. Democrats are peaceful! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_4FluN2Wsk) Democrats accept election results! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6qJCCg45Ow) It keeps going The CIA is behind the crack epidemic in the nation's inner cities George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. (35% of Democrats believed versus 12% of Republicans) The Republican campaign engineered a delay in Iran's 1980 release of American hostages to win the presidency. The tit-for-tat is stupid.
  9. The media lies have a substantial influence on young women voting behavior. While most people agree that abortion should be situationally legal, the media would have women believe that the evil Republicans will issue a comprehensive ban. The lies are so effective that in states like Kansas, where abortion is legal, even Republican women believed they were losing their rights. When the media generates a shitstorm about tiny percentages, stupid people do what stupid people do.
  10. Middle-aged people are increasingly living at home with their parents.
  11. Is there an increase in how long the population stays young and irresponsible?
  12. What is there to discuss? They are stupid.
  13. How many Democratic states allow full-term abortion, and how many Republican states ban abortion outright? Just about every state compromises with some form of legal abortion for cases of danger to a woman's health, rape or incest, or damaged fetus. An estimated 43% of women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. That % explains the support for abortion rights. However, abortion procedures are monstrously performed on 46K viable babies (5% of abortions on babies 16 weeks+) each year. About 20% of annual pregnancies result in an abortion. The average woman gives selfish reasons for choosing abortion: parenthood interferes with her responsibilities, costs too much, or she has a bad/no partner. This is where using the word 'fetus' is an attempt to lessen one's guilt. However, even 'baby' people second-guess the morality when 1.5% (13K) of abortions come following rape or incest. Compromise is the best current solution. Facts: http://guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html Monstrosity: https://www.abortionprocedures.com/
  14. Parco and Arrington might be interesting. What matchups are you looking forward to?
  15. How does a church pay its bills? Members. How can a church engage its flock and potentially attract new paying members? Videos.
  16. What matches are people looking forward to?
  17. I was nervous when looking at other kids records. Then my coach told me, what do you think he is thinking about you? Because he had previously coached the kid I was worried about, my nerves of failure became nerves of excitement. I listened to Kid Rock, System of a down, Rage ATM, and Tool. Otherwise jogged In place, watched the match in front of me, then went to work.
  18. The woman’s right discussion riled up a lot of women. The timing in relation to mid terms was poor. Oz is a sellout. Given two bad choices, people do vote based on party lines, even for turnips and puppets.
  19. olddirty theOhioState StanDziedzic leedobra
  20. He is relatively good compared to how my untrained buddies 'boxed' in high school. We put on the gloves and threw haymakers. The smallest buddy took boxing lessons for a short while and lit us up. My question isn't whether he is good. My question is whether he pays the loser to dive. I assume the fight is fixed based on the age and boxing skill of the opponent selected. I don't think the loser is paid to lose. Hence, the contact and fight is real.
  21. So Fudge Tunnel wants to be in black and white? (See Family Guy's Penguin Publishing)
  22. Which ball is the pitcher going to throw next? Usually, this is a mystery. But sometimes, pitchers can unintentionally give clues to opposing batters about their impending pitch. This is called “tipping pitches.” If a pitcher is tipping their throws, they are doing the hitter an excellent service. So, tipping is something hitters should take advantage of, and something pitchers need to combat. https://thechamplair.com/baseball/what-is-tipping-pitches/
  23. This is a good time for any TNG nerds.
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