How many Democratic states allow full-term abortion, and how many Republican states ban abortion outright? Just about every state compromises with some form of legal abortion for cases of danger to a woman's health, rape or incest, or damaged fetus. An estimated 43% of women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. That % explains the support for abortion rights. However, abortion procedures are monstrously performed on 46K viable babies (5% of abortions on babies 16 weeks+) each year. About 20% of annual pregnancies result in an abortion. The average woman gives selfish reasons for choosing abortion: parenthood interferes with her responsibilities, costs too much, or she has a bad/no partner. This is where using the word 'fetus' is an attempt to lessen one's guilt. However, even 'baby' people second-guess the morality when 1.5% (13K) of abortions come following rape or incest. Compromise is the best current solution.