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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. I always go back to a comment RBY made after winning last year. He was talking about what Cael Sanderson said to him right before he went out for his first final. It was something along the lines of, "In ten years no one will remember this." I think it is a masterful way to diffuse the tension and let a wrestler just wrestle.
  2. I think there is a lot to the complimentary theory. They have so many good coaches with different styles and approaches and no ego about who gets credit that it can be hard to tell from the outside who the greatest influence is on any one wrestler. I spoke to one multi-time champ that credits Cody, for example. Just like styles make matches, styles make matches.
  3. I have been thinking about this very thing. Sadly my data on champions is not str4uctured well to do this (it is somewhat summary level), but I will attempt a work around.
  4. This doesn't surprise me at all. He has always given off that vibe of servant leadership.
  5. something about a horse and water?
  6. Updates based on November 22 rankings from all three services (sorry, I missed last week): While all three services have PSU beating Iowa for the team title, there is virtually no consensus on the other two podium positions. INTERMAT Where Intermat had Mizzou and anOSU two weeks ago, they now have Michigan and Mizzou. FLO Meanwhile, Flo has Mizzou and Michigan after previously having anOSU and Mizzou. WRESTLESTAT And Wrestlestat really loves Virginia Tech. No, I mean they REEEEEEAAAALLLYYY love the Hokies. Where they had anOSU and Mizzou two weeks ago they now have VT and anOSU. By contrast, Intermat has VT at #12 and Flo has them at #9.
  7. Amen, brother
  8. I was just going to look for that. Thanks. It is what I read that made me re-think the idea that it is purely formulaic. If it is a formula, why do we have voters? So the explanation that made sense to me (though completely unconfirmed) is that is a two stage process. Stage one is the objective portion where the formula is applied to determine the list of finalists. Stage two is the subjective portion where voters are provided the results of the formula to guide their choice, but they are not bound by the formula (or else it would not even be a choice). And as I type that it occurs to me that for the fan vote I do not recall if WIN shares the formula result to guide our votes.
  9. I do not think that is quite true. Though it is hard to be 100% certain given what I have seen written about the process, I think the formula is used to narrow down the field of finalists. Then voters choose among those finalists. Obviously, the voters can be instructed to given weight to certain factors, but of course some do and some don't. And the very presence of voters means that it is not formulaic.
  10. I am basing it on what Jairus Hammond has posted on wrestlingstats.com
  11. The weights over time play out like this:
  12. And there are other 118s on the lis in spite of what @jerseywrestling said.
  13. Are you suggesting they recruit an active starter off another team's roster after the start of the season?
  14. It has almost all weights under 141: 118, 121, 123, 125, 126, 133, 134. And maybe that is all.
  15. That one was a screenshot in an article, but hear is Max Dean scooping Jacob Warner's ankle then reaching back for the bow
  16. Starts with scooping the ankle. And brings me great joy.
  17. Weight class across eras are tough. He has guys on this list who wrestled when there were 7, 8, and 10 weight class and he does not adjust for when weights were increased across the board. Guerrero was 126 which became 133. Some of the guys on this list wrestled at the lowest weight class of their era and some at the second lowest. There appears to just be rounding going on here. But what I find truly odd is that guys who won 100% of the time are tied for 8th (Ed Peery, Joe McDaniel, Mike Caruso, Ross Flood).
  18. One does not get tuckered, one gets plumb tuckered out.
  19. I will guess yes since they are wrestling attached for those five dates.
  20. Is that the record for fastest ban?
  21. The NCAA has only had an interest in the separation of college athletes from professional to the extent that it allows them to monetize the college athlete. Central to the monetization is exemption from anti-trust laws. As they have been threatened with the lose of anti-trust protection and have lost multiple related cases up to the Supreme Court level, their ability to separate and monetize has waned.
  22. I think its just mayo and ketchup with a little diced pickle.
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