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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. I find this interesting because Brooks made a statement about being surprised it took this long to leak. Curious who the mole was inside the PSU network.
  2. @poorwrestler fly is kinda a Nelson Mandela, MLk, Gandhi figure on these boards. Some say even a Mother Teresa. Is it possible to commute Fly's sentence. For the sake of all our sanity?
  3. When do you get to change your pic? It's throwing me off
  4. You are certainly the nail to locks hammer
  5. MSU is on HR/GIA. Arguing with everyone and anything he can find. No idea where TBAR went. Some say he's in Zihuatnejo. It's in Mexico. A little place on the Pacific Ocean. They say it has no memory. That's where he went to live the rest of his life. A warm place with no memory.
  6. I miss the TBAR (PSU fan) vs MSU (now Iowa fan?) battles
  7. I'm assuming wkn would answer like myself and say, "we do not have all the info and facts so we do not know". That's called a measured balanced approach to this situation. But you, you know. He's a liar
  8. When you read "establishing intent' they use specific literature that allows as much wiggle room as possible. "Significant Flexibility", "athlete's declaration is considered powerful evidence". The problem with this AB scenario is the little info we have. He stated he declared it, did not provide a prescription, had lawyers file it and was cleared the Thursday prior to competition and allowed to wrestle. Everything else at this point is speculative.
  9. No. I'm assuming he's fine and when he disclosed the vyvanse on the DCF form the DCO officer asked him for the prescription and he didn't have it. Hence, his statement in the interview. But im just speculating & @Interviewed_at_Weehawken is certain he's lying
  10. Reading more into USADA he seems safe. Brining the prescription doesn't matter but having one and him disclosing it shows transparency. Establishing Intent Inadvertent rule violations are relatively rare, but they are possible, and when they do occur they are typically the result of medications or supplements that have been insufficiently researched before using them and which contain a prohibited substance. Significant flexibility has been built into the system to try to ensure that inadvertent rule violations are addressed with less severe sanctions. An athlete can usually qualify for a reduced sanction if they are able to determine the source of his or her positive test and establish a lack of intent to cheat. This is where a properly completed disclosure of medications and supplements used by the athlete can become so important. The starting point for obtaining that flexibility in the event of a positive drug test is often whether the athlete has made a full and complete declaration of substances used on their doping control form. Frequently, where the athlete has declared a supplement or medication which later turns out to be the source of the positive test, the athlete’s declaration is considered powerful evidence of the athlete’s intent to comply with the rules and leads to a finding that the athlete has not intended to cheat. On the other hand, when an athlete fails to disclose a substance on their doping control form and tests positive, the failure to disclose can cast doubt on the athlete’s efforts to demonstrate that they were seeking to comply with the rules and this many result in a longer period of ineligibility. Therefore, it is always in an athletes’ best interest to declare all of his or her supplements and medications – both prescription and non-prescription – during every sample collection process. Here are just a few more of the reasons why athletes should declare every product, every time
  11. This is straight from the USADA website: The DCO and athlete will complete sample collection forms together, either hard-copy or digitally, to document the circumstances of the sample collection process. Additionally, In accordance with the instructions on the doping control form (DCF), the athlete should declare any substance or medication they may have taken on a Declaration of Use Form. They should also provide details of any Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) they may have on file.
  12. At this point that's purely speculation on the grounds of your pure PSU hatred
  13. Hey Now! Don't contort my words like an Oklahoma twister.
  14. After listening to many of his post match and now formal interviews/sermons I hypothesize critical reasoning isn't part of his brain structure so I'm predicting it's answer a) he doesn't know how this all works
  15. Sean Mcdermott (PA Native) is a big time college wrestling fan. Maybe he sneaks him on to the practice squad for a year. Get some money in his pocket. I do think there is a niche in the NFL for former wrestlers to develop techniques that can translate to becoming a tackling coach. It's god awful at times watching NFL d's trying to tackle. Terrible form and technique
  16. What part of "If we are to believe his version" did you not understand? starts @40:00
  17. That does not constitute cheating. That's a filing error. If we are to believe his version of events he went to take the drug test, wrote down that he was taking vyavsay, and was flagged because he didn't bring his prescription. He then filed it properly and was cleared to wrestle.
  18. How is Brooks a cheater? Other than a Mineo tweet what other evidence are you working with?
  19. Don't recall PSU fans saying anything more or less on Daton Fix than any other fanbase. Only thing I remember were jokes about Mr. Fix. Last time I checked Aaron Brooks is wrestling for team USA
  20. There are tons of great techniques that have come from overseas. For example the Iranian lift and finish should be taught in every high school wrestling room. Simple and effective
  21. They blossomed
  22. Oh man, when I'm out west I love the triple decker with thousand island dressing, little mayo, and relish. Still remember my first In-N-Out visiting a friend summer of '98
  23. He certainly is. Dake can beat him. My prediction list was just to medal. Did a poor job not stating that in my post
  24. What in the world are you smoking cuz I want some! Here I thought putting Zain and Spencer at 25% to medal might've been a little aggressive
  25. -Snyder and Dake are near locks (2) - Zain is wrestling in the toughest or one of the toughest weight classes. Will depend on his draw, his weight management, etc (25%) - Brooks may be the best at his weight but being his first major Senior international tournament someone like Kurugliev can bounce him from the tournament (25%) -Spence like Brooks may be the best but like Zain he's in a loaded weight class (25%) -Parris for gold in Paris seems like destiny. (25%) O/U to medal at 6 weights 3.5 *** I believe this might be a team that might even be better than our 2020 Oly team and it's by no means crazy to think we medal at every weight and bring back a lot of Gold
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